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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 912

“President Jiang wants to see you,” Nan Cheng informed.

Without skipping a beat, Chief Wu replied, “Since Hengkang’s president is offering to buy me a meal, it would be impolite for me to reject such a generous gesture. So, where should I meet him?”

“The private room on the top floor of Imperial House. President Jiang will be waiting for you there at seven tonight,” Nan Cheng answered.

“Sure. Tell him that I’ll be there.”

“Sure. I’ll head back right now to tell President Jiang. Feel free to let me know if you need my help in the future, Chief Wu.”

Chief Wu waved a casual hand. “We’ll talk about this another day.”

“Alright. I’ll be taking my leave now.” Nan Cheng replied.

Chief Wu hummed a brief response in return.

At seven in the evening.

Jiang Mohan had arrived earlier and was already waiting in the private room with the best view on the top floor of Imperial House.

This private room was located on the outermost edge of the building and had floor-to-ceiling windows covering the entire wall. The dining table within the room was placed against the windows where one would be able to have a panoramic view of the city at night.

Chief Wu arrived at seven sharp. Nan Cheng, who was waiting outside, spotted him immediately. He quickly greeted him politely, “Chief Wu.”

The other man nodded briefly in return.

“President Jiang is already inside.”

Nan Cheng led Chief Wu towards the private room.

Soon, they arrived at the door to the private room. Nan Cheng pushed it open and extended his hand in a polite gesture. “This way, Chief.”

With that, the man entered.

Jiang Mohan got up from his seat to greet him first. “Chief Wu.”

The man went over and responded, “President Jiang.”

Thereafter, both men shook hands. Jiang Mohan withdrew his hand first and uttered, “Please take a seat, Chief.”

Chief Wu sat down and directly asked, “President Jiang, did you invite me over to talk about Ms. Ling?”

Cutting straight to the point, Jiang Mohan lowered back into his seat and gave him a point-blank answer, “Yes.”

“Then what do you have in mind, President Jiang? Or is there something you want me to do?” Chief Wu picked up the glass of water in front of him and took a sip from it. “Do you want me to go easy on her?”

After all, it’s no secret that Ling Wei is one of his people.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have personally sought me out, right?

Unexpectedly, Jiang Mohan answered, “No.”

Chief Wu raised his brows. “Oh. Then what exactly is this about, President Jiang?”

“Murdering is illegal, so the murderer should be punished by the law. I hope that she’ll be sentenced to death.”

Chief Wu was rather surprised by this unexpected turn of events. He had initially thought that Jiang Mohan wanted to save her, but it turned out to be the direct opposite of that.

“From what I know, Ms. Ling has been by your side for a very long time, President Jiang. Aren’t you the least bit reluctant to see her go?”

Meanwhile, at the hotel.

After Chief Wu received the address, he informed Guan Jing to head to the private room in advance to install a listening device. With that, Guan Jing was able to hear the whole conversation between the two of them in the private room.

He was already prepared to get into a fight. However, Jiang Mohan didn’t intend to plead for mercy on behalf of Ling Wei.

Thus, this made his anger subside a little.


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