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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 952

The moment Jiang Jun finished his sentence, Qiu Mingyan chimed in, “That’s right. Mohan, Youqian is related to you, so he definitely wants the best for you, unlike the others.”

Jiang Mohan glared at the couple coldly in return. They didn’t show any concern about my injuries and they dared to say that they want the best for me?

He scoffed, “So are you here because you genuinely care about me? Are you sure you’re not here because of your son?”

Jiang Jun was about to lose his composure when Qiu Mingyan stopped him. She was afraid that he might get into an argument with Jiang Mohan again, so she spoke first, “We genuinely care about you. We already saw the news; if you had someone trustworthy around you, you definitely wouldn’t have lost all that money.”

Qiu Mingyan couldn’t sleep at night when she saw the news. A few billion in losses! I can’t even spend that much money in my entire lifetime, yet it’s gone just like that.

I feel so bad about it.

That fact cemented her desire to send her son into Hengkang to obtain half of the assets.

On the other hand, Jiang Mohan didn’t want to waste his time anymore. “Did you know that your son stirred up trouble in my company? Was he discharged from the mental health center?”

“He’s still your brother, so why are you…”

“Did he see me as his brother when he came to stir up trouble?” Jiang Mohan fired back at Jiang Jun.

Jiang Jun was speechless, so Qiu Mingyan tried to explain, “He didn’t mean any harm…”

However, Qiu Mingyan was forced to swallow the rest of her words when she met Jiang Mohan’s frigid gaze.

“Go back. I’m tired.” Jiang Mohan chased them off because he didn’t want to get into an argument with them.

“We heard you injured your legs. You should have someone you can trust in the company, and there’s no one better than Youqian. Mohan, both you and Youqian are my sons, so I love you both just the same.” In fact, Jiang Jun was biased towards his younger son as he tried his best to convince Jiang Mohan. “No matter what, he’s still your brother. You sent him to the mental health center, so things should be even between you two, right?”

Jiang Mohan was on the verge of flying into a rage. In the past, he could’ve just left if he didn’t want to hear them anymore, but he was unable to do that now that his legs were injured. He ran out of patience.

They’re here to ‘visit’ me, but they didn’t even ask about my injuries. Instead, they keep harping about Youqian.

Family? Brother? Father?

What a joke.

“Youqian is your brother while Nan Cheng isn’t related to you. You should know that blood runs thicker than water.”

“Even though Nan Cheng isn’t related to me, he has been staying by my side since the accident. On the flip side, where is my so-called family?” Jiang Mohan asked calmly.

He wasn’t agitated because he knew them all too well. He didn’t want to spend any more time arguing with them.

Unfortunately, they keep latching onto me like leeches.


“President Jiang.” Nan Cheng only stepped in at this moment. Jiang Jun was interrupted, so he stared at Nan Cheng coldly and asked, “What’s the deal here? Why didn’t you knock?”

Nan Cheng replied, “The door wasn’t closed fully.”

“Even if the door wasn’t closed fully, you should show some manners and knock before you come in. I’m talking to my son right now, yet you interrupted us…”

“I allowed him to come in without knocking. Any issue with that?” Jiang Mohan had lost his patience. “Nan Cheng, send them off.”


“If you say one more word, I’ll donate all my assets and leave nothing for Jiang Youqian.” Jiang Mohan wanted to disengage from the conversation, yet Jiang Jun and Qiu Mingyan kept coveting his fortune and kept convincing him to admit Jiang Youqian into his company. They keep bringing up the fact that we’re family, but since when did that matter to them?

They kept rubbing the fact that Jiang Youqian is my brother to my face, but did they ever scold him for stirring up trouble at my company and ruining my reputation? Did they tell him that Jiang Mohan is his brother, so he should show me some respect?

They are such manipulative hypocrites.

Family means nothing to them!

Jiang Mohan was extremely sure about that.

“You better not disturb me anymore. If you piss me off, I won’t pay for your medical bills again,” Jiang Mohan declared ruthlessly.


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