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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 959

When the trio walked past her, the scent of cheap perfume wafted from the two accompanying ladies.

She watched as they entered a building where pink hues emitted from within. A shop sign at the entrance indicated that the building offered hair-washing, massaging, and hair-styling services.

Looking in through a glass door lined with advertisements, she could make out the sight of a woman embracing a middle-aged man as they entered the building. Another lady stood at the entrance, trying to rope in new customers to try out her “hair-cutting services.” She was very forthcoming, greeting whichever passerby who crossed her way. If one pedestrian ignored her, she would move on to her next prey.

Like a parrot, she repeated continuously, “Do you want a haircut? My techniques are great, I guarantee that you’ll be satisfied.”

Ling Wei caught onto the underlying context immediately. If it were in the past, she would have judged them with disdain. But ironically, her current life as a fugitive could not even compare to that of those ladies. Giving herself a wry, self-mocking smile, she continued her way back.

Soon enough, a problem haunted her at the back of her mind- she was running out of money. Her food expenses would soon exhaust the remaining money she had.

However, looking for a job as a wanted suspect was a tall order. She would easily be recognized in crowded places as the police would have revealed her appearance online. In fact, because of this reason, the paranoid Ling Wei barely had the courage to head out.

However, life in the cramped apartment soon proved unbearable after two days. With depleting financial means, she knew she had to take a risk and head out to find an income.

Unfortunately, her job-hunting journey soon hit a bottleneck when none of the locations proved to be sequestered enough. The factory was packed with workers who were residents of the district, while a humble supermarket she was interested in also had substantial human traffic.

Ling Wei was staring hard at the job recruitment sign and failed to notice the landlord behind her. “What are you doing? Finding a job?” The woman was chewing on sunflower seeds.

Her unexpected presence gave Ling Wei a small fright, prompting her to turn vehemently. “No, I’m not.”

The landlord chuckled at her response and replied, “I’m not blind. I have been looking at you stare at the sign for ages. Well, since you’re so young and pretty, I actually have a job offer for you. Do you want it? The pay is way better than working at a supermarket.”

Ling Wei immediately thought of the two ladies.

There is no way I’m stooping so low to service those horny men. Even if she had no other alternative means, she would not stoop so low. “I’m not doing it,” she announced firmly. Then, without further comments, she left the scene.

The landlord scoffed at her attitude. “Does she seriously think she’s some bigshot? Seriously, she lacks awareness of her own dire situation.”

Ling Wei walked on and on. Her fists clenched tightly as her face paled- she could feel herself coming to a breaking point.

How did I become like this?

Why did I become like this? There was only one person she could blame- Lin Ruixi. If she didn’t appear, I would have been living an envied life as Mrs. Jiang. It’s all her fault!

The thought made her increasingly livid.

If I’m going to die, I’m going to drag Lin Ruixi down with me. It’s her fault that I’m living such a pathetic life right now.

Once the idea of revenge was seeded, nothing could stop Ling Wei from executing it. I’m going to kill that woman!

With that, instead of returning to her temporary residence, she stepped on the path of vengeance. Even if the journey were a lethal one, the lady reckoned that she would much rather die than to continue living her current life.

By sheer coincidence, this happened right before Jiang Mohan managed to locate her rental apartment. Prior to her departure, the man had been actively tracking her down. Knowing Ling Wei’s rationale, he accurately predicted that she would hide in a place that was crowded but isolated. He selected a few locations and deployed men on the ground to check them. Eventually, it was narrowed down to two locations- one of which was Ling Wei’s hiding spot.

His men split into two teams and combed the locations secretly.

But when they reached the outskirts where Ling Wei was, the fugitive coincidentally departed.

By the time they gathered more clues and managed to find Ling Wei’s room, she had already left for the city, ready to take down Lin Ruixi.

But not all hope was lost. Nan Cheng heard news that Ling Wei had been to the West City District, though she’s no longer there.

That made Jiang Mohan certain that the lady had not left the city totally.

“Let the search continue,” he said coldly. “Dead or alive, I want her found.”

“Noted,” replied Nan Cheng.

Following a slight pause, the man gingerly added, “Umm… Jiang Youqian is waiting for you outside. He wants to speak to you.”

Jiang Mohan rejected the request without hesitation.


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