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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 966

Nan Cheng looked at him. “This certainly doesn’t happen often. Tell me first, is it good news or bad news?”

Jiang Youqian, however, was not joking with him. “It’s serious.”

Nan Cheng glanced at him and chose to believe him for the time being.

Truth be told, Nan Cheng had always had his guard up against Jiang Youqian. After all, she was Qiu Mingyan’s son. Who knows what he’s up to?

Jiang Youqian could sense Nan Cheng’s animosity towards him. However, he didn’t really mind. Who can I blame? I am Qiu Mingyan’s son.

But I didn’t have a choice in this.

He couldn’t change the fact that she was his mother. However, he wanted to change himself. He did not want to be someone without any achievements.

Soon, the duo came to a bar. Jiang Youqian wasn’t a stranger to the place as he used to frequent it in the past and had a few acquaintances there.

Although these acquaintances were not good people, they weren’t exactly terrible, either. They just liked to fool around a little, but they were fiercely loyal.

As Jiang Youqian was a regular customer, he was rather familiar with the place. Pretty soon, they settled down in a relatively quiet private room that Jiang Youqian had chosen.

“Alright, what did you want to tell me?” Nan Cheng asked right after he sat down.

Attempting to diffuse the tension, Jiang Youqian joked, “Why are you so flustered? Aren’t you my brother’s right-hand man?”


“I’m kidding,” Jiang Youqian chuckled, “Don’t take it seriously.”

Do we even know each other that well? Nan Cheng was not pleased.

“Back to business,” Jiang Youqian said as a serious expression crept across his face.

“Go on,” Nan Cheng replied as he stretched his neck a few times before sinking into the sofa.

“Has something happened to my brother lately?” Jiang Youqian felt that Jiang Mohan’s sudden change of attitude towards him seemed to have stemmed from something that had occurred lately.

He just was not sure what it was.

That was why he was hoping to get an answer out of Nan Cheng.

“There have been——” Nan Cheng paused slightly, “Many things have happened to President Jiang.”

“Well, tell me what happened,” Jiang Youqian said as he leaned in closer.

Nan Cheng, however, pushed him away and said, “Hey, not so close.”


Sitting upright, Jiang Youqian said, “Alright then, go on.”

“Zong Yanxi isn’t dead. His change in attitude should have something to do with her. He wants to salvage their relationship. That leg injury? He got that while chasing after her.” Nan Cheng sighed, “You guys have really hurt him.”

Nan Cheng had always thought of Qiu Mingyan and Jiang Jun as the main culprits behind Jiang Mohan’s current state.

They were the ones responsible for Jiang Mohan’s miserable childhood years. They were the reason he didn’t understand what love was, causing him to eventually lose Zong Yanxi.

Jiang Youqian didn’t contradict Nan Cheng’s words. After all, what Nan Cheng said was correct and Jiang Youqian agreed with him.

“We can’t change what has happened. The reason I have come to look for you is so that I could do something to help him.” With a determined look on his face, he asked, “Do you know where she is now?”

“What are you planning on doing?” Nan Cheng still didn’t trust Jiang Youqian and was afraid that he would do something to hurt Jiang Mohan.

Jiang Youqian could understand why Nan Cheng reacted this way. “I am truly grateful that he didn’t hold my mother accountable for what she did,” he explained, “We’ve always been the ones who hurt him in one way or another. Now, I want to help him. Since his leg hasn’t recovered, I’m sure it isn’t easy for him to move around. That’s why I want to help him bring Yanxi back.”

Nan Cheng stared at Jiang Youqian silently for some time.

Unfazed, Jiang Youqian looked him in the eye and continued, “I mean it.”

After giving it some thought, Nan Cheng replied, “Alright. I can’t leave the country at the moment anyway. It’s best if someone could go in my place.”

Jiang Youqian smiled. “I will definitely bring Yanxi back to my brother, no matter what it takes.”

Nan Cheng sighed. “I hope so.”

“What do you mean by that? Don’t you remember how much Yanxi loved my brother in the past…”

“Jiang Youqian,” Nan Cheng interrupted him, “President Jiang was the one who initiated the divorce back then. She was nearly killed by Ling Wei and she even lost a child. Do you think she can still forgive him?”

Jiang Youqian’s eyes widened and he quickly fell silent.

He was shocked to find out that Zong Yanxi had lost a child——her child with Jiang Mohan.

Truth be told, he always knew that Jiang Mohan yearned for the warmth of a true family.

So his attitude changed because he has lost many things which mattered to him and which he is now trying to salvage?

So that’s why he forgave Mom. He no longer wants vengeance to drive him to make unforgivable mistakes.

“I’ll definitely bring Yanxi back,” Jiang Youqian said firmly.

Nan Cheng drew in a deep breath. “I hope you’ll really be able to do it.”


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