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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 975

Zong Yanxi was jolted out of her trance by his voice, and it only further convinced him that the man yelling at her had been her ex-husband.

Why is she still so troubled over him?

Zong Yanxi cleared her mind and grinned. “Apologies. What were you saying?”

“Nothing,” Tawan answered.

“Oh,” Zong Yanxi said, thinking back to how desperate Jiang Youqian had looked.

She had lost all hope in Jiang Mohan, and she wanted to cut him out of her life completely. Jiang Youqian’s appearance made her worry for her parents’ safety.

She pinched her brows together and took a deep breath to calm herself down.

Jiang Youqian’s appearance ruined the atmosphere in the car completely, and they spent the rest of the trip in silence.

Even the beautiful scenery outside the windows did nothing to alleviate the tension in the air.

After a while, the car pulled into the courtyard of a lavish palace.

Buddhist elements were imbued in every aspect of the architecture, and its grandness resembled Tawan’s mansion greatly. It was obvious that the palace had stood strong against the test of time.

After the car slowed to a halt, the chauffeur alighted first and opened the door on Tawan’s side.

Tawan alighted and walked over to Zong Yanxi’s side to help her out of the car.

She looked up at Tawan when she emerged from the car. “Where is this place?”

“The Grand Palace.”

The Grand Palace was the official residence of Thailand’s royal family.

The King was hosting a birthday party for his daughter that day, but everyone knew that his true intention was to search for a suitable son-in-law.

One third of the young men invited to the party that day had caught the King’s attention in one way or another, and Tawan was one of them.

The other person was Pongsom Tubthong, who held a high-ranking position in the military, just like Tawan.

In Thailand, the King was regarded as the president of the country, the head of the military, as well as the religious leader. The King had the authority to enact laws through the parliament, conduct administrative duties through the cabinet and maintain order through the court.

In fact, the members of parliament were directly appointed by the King, and the King’s signature is required for a newly-elected Prime Minister to assume office. The Prime Minister was required to get down on his knees should he meet the King or any member of the royal family.

From a practical point of view, being the head of the military would bestow one with the highest control over the country. Although the King held the highest position in the military according to the Constitution, the higher-ups in the military held on to the most power.

The current King was well-respected by the military, though Thailand’s history was not free from military coups and attempts to overthrow the monarchy.

In order to keep the military under his control, the King treated the military like his family members, which had worked well so far.

“Tawan!” Amp exclaimed as she rushed over, looking dazzling in her fiery red gown and makeup. Her smile froze the moment she saw Zong Yanxi emerging from the car. “Why did you take her along?” she questioned.

Tawan simply ignored her and extended one hand to Zong Yanxi, who accepted it gratefully.

They exchanged glances before Tawan helped Zong Yanxi out from the car.

Amp’s eyes were going to fall out from staring at them in disbelief. “Tawan! I’ll kill myself if you don’t stop doing that!”

“Whatever. Suit yourself,” Tawan huffed.

“You…you jerk!” Amp screamed, stomping her foot angrily.

“Amp!” a voice called from behind. Pongsom walked over and grabbed his sister’s arm before she could do anything rash. “What the hell are you doing?”


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