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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 987

The room was covered in darkness. As the light from the opened door gradually illuminated the room, she saw a shadow of a figure.

Her hand that was holding onto the knob tensed up. She thought that she would be strong enough to face her parents. But when she came face to face with them, emotions overwhelmed her. She greeted with a choking voice, “Dad.”

Zong Jinghao didn’t intend to reprimand her. After the incident, he knew that she had matured and learned from her mistakes.

“Dad, I was wrong.” Zong Yanxi threw herself into his embrace. She had planned not to cry in front of her parents but emotions just overwhelmed her.

She couldn’t control herself. Just like a movie, everything she had suffered during the past year flashed across her mind. The images were so clear that she felt as if she was reliving them.

Zong Jinghao patted her on her shoulder and murmured. “It was all my fault.”

The biggest mistake he made in his life was misreading Jiang Mohan. He was so confident that his daughter’s qualities would cause Jiang Mohan to fall in love with her. However, he didn’t expect it to end in such a disaster.

“No, I chose to walk that path myself.” Zong Yanxi wiped the tears off her face.

Realizing that no one else was to blame other than herself, she willingly admitted her mistake and prepared to bear the consequences. The last thing she wanted was for her parents to blame themselves.

As Zong Jinghao wiped the tears off the corner of her eye, he felt extremely grateful that she was alright.

Sitting by the bed, Lin Xinyan looked out the window with her back facing the door. She wasn’t dressed in her pajamas yet and neither was Zong Jinghao. They obviously hadn’t slept and were waiting for her instead.

They didn’t get the door because they were blaming themselves for not protecting their child. They too were hesitant to face her and were equally worried about losing control of their emotions.

Zong Yanxi sat down beside the figure by the bed. Despite being covered by the shadows, she could still see the slight tremble of the woman’s shoulders.

She called out in a choking voice, “Mom.”

Lin Xinyan didn’t respond because it would then be obvious to all that she was crying.

She was heartbroken over all that her daughter had suffered.

However, she wanted to hide sorrow she felt.

Zong Yanxi went over to hug her. She wanted to apologize but the words just wouldn’t come out. However, words no longer mattered at that very moment.

The only thing that could comfort them now was the warmth of a hug and crying their hearts out.

Upstairs, Shen Xinyao was still awake and she figured that no one would be able to sleep that night. Hence, she got up and pushed open Zhuang Jiawen’s door.

Although the light wasn’t on, the curtains were left open. Hence, the room was dimly illuminated by the light from the streetlamp outside.

Hugging her pillow at the door, she murmured, “I can’t sleep.”

Zhuang Jiawen was awake and aware of his door being opened. He looked at her in the dim light. “Why don’t you count sheep?”

“I already did but it didn’t work,” Shen Xinyao grumbled coquettishly.

Zhuang Jiawen shifted himself in bed and made a space. He then motioned her over. “Come, I’ll coax you to sleep.”

Shen Xinyao hurried onto the bed with her pillow and snuggled up to him under his blanket. By then, she had thrown her pillow to a corner and laid her head on his shoulder instead.


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