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Stealing Your Heart (Lin Xinyan) novel Chapter 993

On the plaque, he saw some words written in black and embossed in gold. The writing conveyed a sense of power and magnificence.

“What’s written here?” Tawan asked.

Zong Yanxi looked up as saw the words ‘Phoenix Pavilion’ written in Mandarin. She explained to Tawan, “Legend has it that a queen used to live here. That’s why it’s named as Phoenix Pavilion.”

Tawan blinked as he pondered about the meaning of her words.

Zong Yanxi asked, “Do you get it?”

After a pause, she continued, “The queen is the wife of the emperor in ancient days while the phoenix is the king of birds in our nation. To reflect the majestic nature of the queen, she was thus referred to as the phoenix.”

“Your country does have a unique culture. Everything needs to be expressed indirectly.” Tawan seemed to have understood.

Zong Yanxi smiled, “You are learning fast.”

“Come, let’s take a look inside,” Zong Yanxi suggested.

Tawan followed her. “Can you teach me how to write in Mandarin?”

“If you want me to be your teacher, you will have to pay for it.” Zong Yanxi looked at him and joked, “Since you’re so rich, I should charge you ten thousand an hour.”

Tawan replied, “Of course.”

Zong Yanxi laughed. “I’m just kidding.”

“Ten thousand for an hour. You will be my teacher,” Tawan repeated.

Zong Yanxi was speechless.

Is he serious? Despite joking initially, she relented after she saw Tawan’s earnest expression. There was no way she could abandon her student now.


“Alright, looks like I’m forced to take you in as my student.” Zong Yanxi walked towards one of the vendors who was selling antique fans. They were made of satin and had exquisite motifs embroidered on top. At the bottom, there was a red ribbon tied to it. As she picked one up for a closer look, Tawan picked one up himself. However, the one he took had landscape embroidered on it instead of still life. Furthermore, there was a poem inscribed.

He showed it to Zong Yanxi. “What’s written here?”

Zong Yanxi glanced over and saw ‘Love brings with it shared sorrow; it is undying and lingers in the heart’.

She then replied, “It’s rubbish.”

The vendor was upset when he heard her. “Haven’t you ever gone to school? This is a poem by Li Qingzhao. How can you say that it’s rubbish?”

Zong Yanxi looked at the owner of the stall. Since when have stall vendors become so cultured?

The vendor wanted Tawan to buy his fans and said, “This is a poem written by a famous poet in our country. He talks about love here and I think it suits you.”

Zong Yanxi almost burst into laughter. How does the fan suit Tawan? He was about eight feet tall and had masculine features. The thought of him holding the fan was ridiculously funny.

The vendor was so desperate to sell his wares that he lied through his teeth by making such an absurd comment.

Tawan quickly put it down and shook his head. “I don’t want it.”


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