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STEPBROTHER (R-18) novel Chapter 45

Scarlett's POV

You rise from your seat, shaking your head, unwilling to listen to anymore of his bullshit. Swiping your bag from the ground, you twist on your heel, stomping off in the direction you came, not caring if you get lost as its far enough away from him.

"If I want to 'piss away' my future, then I'll do it! Its MY future. Not yours. Or anyone else's. But mine. So fuck you"

You pray he doesn't follow you. Not when your anger is so protect and fierce, but Oliver's never been one to shy in the face of conflict. He follows you, and its not until you're back in the brush of tress, navigating your way poorly down the mountain that he grabs your arm and spins you around to face him.

"Let me go!"

You rip your grasp from him, glaring at his mouth which is a firm line at the moment

"Don't fucking touch me."

He shakes his head in disbelief, and scowls.

"You're being fucking stupid"

Your mouth falls open at his brazen remark.

"Stupid? Says the one who dropped out of college"

"This isn't about me! Its about you"

You whip around to storm away but he catches your arm again and pulls you into his chest. You press your hands against his shoulders and push yourself back, stumbling on a root, but quickly catching yourself.

"You're not going to ruin your future, like I have"

"And who says you've ruined it, huh? You can still go back. Don't criticise me about my choices when you're making the same dumb ones!

"Ive been though shit, Scarlett!"

You flinch as his venomous words are spewed at you.

"Much more than you can fucking imagine! I haven't had a cushy life!"

You furrow your brows, hurt lining your frown as you snicker mirthlessly

He really thinks I've had a fucking cushy life?

"Cushy life? I'll tell you about my fucking cushy life, Oliver. How my mother couldn't keep a fucking job. Or a fucking man, and we bounced from house to house, couch to fucking couch. How wonderfully fucking stable my life was? Not knowing if I was going to eat dinner that night, or go another night hungry until she could manipulate another person into providing for us briefly?"

You widen your arms dramatically and scoff.

"Yes, I've had such a great fucking childhood"

He flinches form your words, oblivious to the pain you've harboured your entire life. Pain just as real and fucking intense as what he's gone through. You blink rapidly, hoping to dispel the tears the come unwanted in your eyes.

I don't want to cry about this in front of him.

You swallow, aware of how dry your tongue is now.

"Don't make my problems out to be less detrimental than yours. We've both been through shit!"

His kiss comes out of nowhere. His hands are rough on your hips, feeling, squeezing, tugging you into him where you fit perfectly every fucking time.

He's so frustrating

That doesn't stop you from Letting him claim you with his mouth, taste your tongue, only with his caresses. You moan, your lips vibrating against his, and the sounds enacts a growl from his throat as he presses his thick erection against your belly. His arousal is demanding: exciting.

So fucking stubborn.

"Scarlett, fuck"

You love the way he groans your name. Its a desperate plea. Like he's dying for another hit of what you can give him. It makes your insides stir animatedly, as you spread your thighs, aware your shorts are annoyingly in the way of languid strokes of his fingers.

"You're so strong headed"

"Mmm, you too"

He hisses and pulls your neck to his mouth where he trails hot kisses down to the base of your neck. He roughly cups your chin, honing your gaze on him as he stares intensely into your eyes.

"I don't ever want you to have to choose. Between me and your future"

He steps back to pull off his bag, dropping it to the ground, and you mimic him.

"Just shut up and kiss me"

You can tell he wants to say more: wants to shout argue until you've changed your mind about how much you love him, but nothing well. Nothing good. You're in too deep, and you don't want to resurface.


His resolved sigh, turns into frantic kisses along your mouth as his hands fumble with the button and zipper to your shorts. They pull them free, the denim sliding down your thighs leaving you bare.

"No panties?"

Chapter 45 1


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