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Stuck On You novel Chapter 111

Everyone stared at the ring with their eyes wide open. This was the legendary Creator Diamond! Everyone cheered up, "marry him, marry him!"

Claire held back her tears and nodded fiercely, "I have always been your wife, before, now, and later. All my life. "

A lifetime.

No matter how sincere a promise was, it couldn't be compared with this sentence for a lifetime.

Chason gently put the ring on her finger. This series of actions seemed so familiar to her. Less than a year ago, they had also performed it in front of everyone, but today was different from that time. In the past, they just wanted to act a play for others, but now they were the complete controller of their love.

The crowd applauded warmly. Chason didn't invite too many people to the wedding. Most of the guests were the closest ones to them, such as Richard and Anna. In order to attend their wedding, the two of them specially ended their honeymoon in advance. Then there was Claire's grandmother, and a few other people with Larry.

Under the gaze of the crowd, Chason held Claire tightly in his arms. At Angel's suggestion, they didn't invite the emcee to their wedding. What they needed was not the process, but a ceremony that completely belonged to each other.

At this moment, his eyes were burning, as if to melt Claire. Normally, she would be nervous in front of so many people, but now, she just felt that she didn't care at all. Thinking of this, Claire stood on tiptoe and kissed on his lips. How could a little kiss be enough? Chason gave her a soul kiss directly, unwilling to let her go.

The public display of affection was something that everyone was willing to see. The guests invited today all witnessed the two of them experiencing all kinds of difficulties and finally coming together. One of the crowd had already shed tears, and that was Claire's grandmother.

"Claire, let's toast to everyone." The swimming pool around the beach was an open-air restaurant designed by Chason and others. He handed a glass of red wine to Claire, and the two raised their glasses. "Thank you for attending my wedding with Claire. This wedding is very special. All the people present have personally seen that I and Claire have gone through all kinds of trials and hardships together. In the following life, I hope you can also be the witnesses of our love."

Everyone applauded. When he said these, even Anna couldn't help but cry. She gently pushed Richard and said, "you see Chason."

Richard didn't know whether to cry or to laugh. He coaxed, "how about I make up a wedding that only belongs to us?"

"You're not sincere enough." Anna glared at him and Richard immediately shut up.

"Let's toast to grandma." Chason gently looked at the woman he loved in front of him. This time, when she wore the wedding dress, he didn't feel as stunning as last time. Instead, he was fascinated by her from the bottom of his heart.

Claire nodded and felt grateful for what he had done for her. At this moment, she finally understood why Chason told grandma that they were going to get married. He was more considerate than her on this matter. If they told grandma that they were married, grandma would be a little disappointed. After all, she got married without letting her know it.

Thinking of this, they walked to the front of grandma with red wine. Joanna staggered up and nodded repeatedly. "Good girl."


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