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Stuck On You novel Chapter 117

The woman's intuition was indeed unparalleled. Anna smiled and said, "and have you seen it? In fact, the dishes ordered by Angel were all Richard's favorite. Unfortunately, they used to like each other, but in the end, they were not meant to be together. "

Claire couldn't help admiring Anna. How could she be so generous? At the same time, Claire was a little flustered. A man like Chason must has been liked by many girls in the past. If one day there was a person that he once liked in front of her, what should she do? Forget it, Claire would not dare to think further.

How could she face all these? Maybe she couldn't be as generous as Anna.

"Let's go. Let's pretend that nothing had happened just now. " Anna smiled, "I don't care about his past. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been with him. What I care about is that from now on, I am the only one in his heart."

"Okay." Claire nodded and went back to the box with Anna.

As they expected, Angel had left first. Anna shook her long hair that she was proud of and pretended to be surprised. "Eh, where is Angel?"

"She has something urgent to deal with. She left juts now." Chason glanced at his good friend and said as if nothing had happened.

Claire stuck out her tongue secretly in the bottom of her heart. These people were all good at acting. She patted Chason, trying to make the atmosphere more lively. "The goods in the counter are so expensive that I can't afford them. Please help me."

"Okay, I'll take you to buy whatever you like later." Chason touched Claire's head and said, "well, the dishes are ready. Let's eat. Let's celebrate our four weddings. "

Everyone clinked glasses. Anna smiled and said, "our honeymoon is over ahead of schedule. You two haven't had a honeymoon yet. How about we four take time to travel together?"

"Well, honey, do you think they want to be with us two?" It seemed that nothing had happened before, and the look on Richard's face returned to normal.

The four of them never mentioned Angel again, they had dinner together and discussed where to go. In Anna's words, in love, especially in marriage, a woman must have the quality of pretending to be ignorant. Pretending to be ignorant would make many things easier to deal with, but Claire had a lot of feelings in her heart. She couldn't pretend to be ignorant, especially in front of Chason.

Since he was the one she loved most, she couldn't pretend to be ignorant and see nothing in front of him. In fact, she also knew that it was not a good thing for her to be so serious, especially for a woman who had married into a rich family.

The dinner was over. Sitting on the passenger seat, Claire wrote down today's wedding day on the app called Anniversary. Today was the wedding day held by Chason for her.

"What are you doing?" Chason glanced at her from the corner of his eye and said, "talk to me. Don't play with your phone."

Claire glanced at him and mumbled, "I talked too much in your car before. And you said I was too talkative." Claire didn't know since when she felt that Chason had been changed. Those past conditions and principles between them suddenly didn't exist.


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