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Stuck On You novel Chapter 146

After Claire passed out, she was sent to the hospital by Anna in a hurry. Looking at her best friend who was pushed into the resuscitation room, Anna immediately called Chason. But somehow, she couldn't get through, which made Anna very angry.

No matter how good a man was, one would be angry as he disappeared at this critical moment.

Fortunately, after a while, the doctor quickly walked out of the emergency room and said, "Miss, the patient is fine. She has been thinking too much recently, and she is weak. She fainted because of emotional excitement. It should be okay as long as you take good care of her. Now you must control her emotions and don't let her be overjoyed or sad. "

Anna nodded and followed the doctor to the ward. On the bed, Claire frowned and was still in a coma.

Thinking of what the doctor had just said, Anna gave up calling Chason, in case that Claire would have a big mood swing again.

She thought and shook her head. These two people!

She wouldn't believe that Chason wasn't sincere about Claire. After all, if a man didn't love a woman, there were many things he couldn't done at all. However, two of them really loved each other and had already married, but there was always such entanglements.

She really didn't know when the two of them would be able to live in harmony and accompany each other.

Thinking of this, Anna sighed. She had no choice. After all, the social status of Chason was so high. Although her husband's family was far less complicated than that of the Jiang family, after she married him, she had suffered a lot, let alone Jiang family.

While she was thinking, Claire slowly woke up from her coma. She looked at Anna, who was guarding beside her, and smiled apologetically. "Anna, thank you again." When she was most helpless, the person who accompanied her was always her best friend.

Anna patted her gently and said, "who are you talking to? Don't be silly."

Claire looked at the layout of the ward and knew that she had come to the hospital under the Jiang Group again. She smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know how many times I have been to the hospital since I knew him." In the past, when she was a little uncomfortable, mostly caused by a cold, she usually got some medicine by herself and rarely went to the hospital. After marrying Chason, she had stayed here for at least 1/3 of the time.

This was a kind of pleasure in bitterness. Anna comforted her, "forget it. Just take this as the benefit of the Jiang family of the Jiang Group. Anyway, you are fine. The doctor has told me thousands of times to let you calm down."

"Do you know why I was so emotional at that time? Because it suddenly occurred to me that... This thing... This thing must be related with my mother-in-law. " Claire said with a hint of sadness in her eyes.


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