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Stuck On You novel Chapter 27

The next morning, we had rehearsal in the ballroom. After stretching, we started warming up our lifts and tricks. It was so much easier without Sophia around. Hayden had his arm around me loosely as Luca started taking control of the practice. He decided that Hayden and I would start off the routine in the middle of the floor. When the chorus hit, the others would join in with us.

When the music started, Hayden and I started the routine slowly. The others started walking to their places, it was amazing. I loved dancing with Hayden. It was like we knew exactly what the other was thinking when we were dancing. I loved him. It showed all throughout our dancing. We finished the routine on the floor. Hayden smiled at me lightly before he kissed me gently. My hand went to the back of his neck. I heard a slow clap start. I looked up startled. I smiled when I saw who it was.

"Hey dad," I said, getting up. I hugged him gently.

"It's looking great sweetheart," my dad said. He kissed my head before he left. He was like that. He would say what he needed to say and then leave. We practiced for a little while longer before going back to our rooms. I sighed as I ran a brush through my hair. I was staring off into space thinking about my dad.

"What's wrong, Jo," Hayden asked. I shrugged before I put the brush down and looked at him.

"It's just... nothing. It's nothing," I said. Hayden kissed my head as his arms went around me.

"What's wrong," he asked again. I sighed and pursed my lips.

"My dad... I just wish he'd spent a little more time with me," I answered honestly. Hayden laced his fingers with mine and kissed my temple.

"Hey, I know that it's no substitute for your dad, but I'm here. You have me," he said softly. I smiled lightly and looked up at him before I kissed him.

"I know, and I love you for that," I said softly.

"I'll order some room service," he offered.

The next few days passed in a blur. Next thing I knew we were standing in the middle of the charity ball. I let out a breath and smoothed out the front of my costume. Hayden laced his hand with mine and smiled at me.

"Are you ready?" he asked lightly. I let out a breath as my heart pounded painfully in my chest. I nodded unsurely. Performing was fun and normally not this big of a deal for me, but this was different. I knew most of these people. I'd known them for most of my life, and my stepmother was here. She never really liked me anyway. It was time. The music started whether I was ready or not.


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