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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 120

Chapter 120 

Everyone broke into applause, and Genevieve hesitated for a moment, looking at the hand Anthony extended toward her with a slight frown

Anthony, the epitome of a gentleman, waited patiently with a slight bow

Under the gaze of so many eyes, Genevieve forced a stiff smile and gently placed her hand on top of his. Anthony clenched her hand upon eyeing her delicate features

He was filled with discontent the last time he saw her dancing with lan. Now, it was his turn. He was determined to show her what the best dance partner truly looked like

He led her to the center of the floor, and the room fell silent 

Her exquisite features seemed like they could never be fully appreciated

Anthony gently placed his hand on her slender waist, his gaze locked on her

As focused on the two of them. It was as if a hazy glow enveloped 

the music started, the lights them, leaving the rest of the world behind

The music was melodious and slow. Genevieve’s fine features were slightly downcast, devoid of emotion

His heart, however, skipped a beat as he looked at her, throwing off his step momentarily, and he stepped on Genevieve’s foot

Genevieve glared up at him, irritation lacing her quiet voice, Did you do that on purpose?” 

Anthony pressed his lips together, his jawline tense and his response a bit awkward. No.” 

Her tender lips were tempting, and he suddenly felt an urge to kiss them. His heart was a mess, and so were his steps. And it happened againhe stepped on her foot twice more. Genevieve’s face turned gloomy. If they weren’t in public, she would have slapped him right there

Finally, the music ended

The crowd erupted into heartfelt applause. Genevieve maintained her rigid smile, nodded politely. quickly dropped her hand, and walked away

Anthony’s face darkened. His performance had been terrible, and she was surely upset

Genevieve was exchanging pleasantries with someone across the room, standing gracefully. Next to her, the tall and dazzling dewy roses made her look even more delicate and charming

An acquaintance walked up to Anthony and smiled, pointing at his own phone. Mr. Hoffman, I’ve recorded it all for you, and no need to thank me. A true power couple, both so capable and good- looking!” 




Rejected by her first mate, she was blessed by a 4.4✯ FREE second one. But what if he regretted it



Chapter 120 

Anthony’s mood seemed to improve slightly as he nodded with a smile. Thanks a lot

It didn’t take long for the short video to go viral on Twitter

The couple, once seen as a perfect match, now became an almost comedic example of what not to do. Their dance moves were out of sync, their gazes never met, and there was no sign of emotional connection. Especially funny was the moment when Anthony stepped on Genevieve’s feet several times and she gave him an amusing warning look with her eyes

The scene from the last time when Genevieve and lan had a sizzling dance at the bar was dug up again. Compared side by side, everyone on Twitter was thinking, Wow, it’s no wonder they got divorced!” 

Anthony was blissfully unaware, still thinking that his dance with Genevieve might become a lovely 

tale to tell

Watching her laughing and chatting with someone else, he felt a pang of something bitter inside

He approached, and immediately, the attention shifted. Mr. Hoffman, we were just talking about your Al project. It’s really ahead of the game. Congratulations, may I offer a toast to your success?someone asked

Anthony raised an eyebrow and glanced at Genevieve

She smiled, giving a nod with her glass of red wine, about to drink it, but Anthony interjected, Hold on. I’ll drink this one for you.” 

Genevieve took a deep breath. Does this guy have a screw loose? I could hold my liquor like no one else. I don’t need anyone drinking for me.” 

But before she could refuse, Anthony had already downed the drink

Seeing this, the other person quickly offered another glass

Genevieve paused, and then several others approached to toast. She looked at them silently

joon after, Selene called her, laughing through the phone. Your dance with Anthony is all over Twitter. Talk about a lack of chemistry!” 

Genevieve’s brow creased as she opened up her Twitter to a flood of shares for this video. Selene 

ad posted it too, and the comments section below was popping with lively banter

beneath her post, Brendan commented: [Just from the looks alone, they are a perfect match!

elene replied, [Are you blind?

nother friend commented: [Looks like Genevieve is ready to throw punches

elene’s retort was swift: [From what I know, she’d rather be throwing knives!


Rejected by her first mate, she was blessed by a 4.4FREE 



Chapter 120 

Genevieve couldn’t help but let a sinirk play on her lips

But thinking it was no big deal, she didn’t mind it

Selene called her again. Did you hear? The Thomson family is in resurgence thanks to hitching their wagon to the Hoffman family. Andrea’s got some real moves.” 

Genevieve thought of Andrea who loved to play the moral high ground and let out a light chuckle. That’s what she can do.” 

The two chatted for a bit longer before Genevieve turned to head for the restroom

There she unexpectedly ran into Lauraine. She had been almost invisible all night. Genevieve didn’t even know she was around

When Lauraine saw Genevieve, she remembered Anthony’s accusations against her and felt even more unhappy. She gritted her teeth and said, Ms. Lawrence, Jacinta is our aunt. This partnership was meant for Hoffman Group from the start. You snatched it away. If my brother hadn’t been so lenient, you wouldn’t even be standing here today.” 


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