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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 151

Chapter 151 

Genevieve wasn’t indifferent to Louisactions

Otherwise, she wouldn’t have agreed to have a relationship with him

Yet, she wavered, unsure whether her decision was right or not

She had never known what Louis was th$4 However, he didn’t give her the chann 

was still willing to get to know him bit by bit. 

to do even 


He forcibly kept her to his side, making her resistant

She had caught a glimpse of the coldness and darkness he kept under a gentle mask, which he happened to use against her

She couldn’t accept that

Her heart which begun to soften resealed itself up and hardened again

Sometime later, the light in the room gradually dimmed

It was silent in the manor

Shadows were cast on the window, yet she merely stared nonchalantly, feeling surreal

She wanted to go home. 

She thought, Uncle Caspian will tell Darrell and Samantha when he hears from me. They might feel relief once they know I’m not dead, but not me. What is Louisintention for keeping me here?” 

She took a deep breath and was determined to leave

All of a sudden, Yvette came to her mind

She mused, Was she telling the truth?” 

Genevieve’s expression kept thanging as her mind raced

Sometime later, the servant knocked on the door. Mrs. Fallon, I’m leaving the food by the door, please eat 

Emergency calls onlyM 

Chapter 151 


D54% 18:02 

It was Louisorders. He was thoughtful and meticulous as always, but Genevieve wasn’t moved at all

She didn’t sleep well that night and was constantly jolted awake by nightmares as if she had returned to the moment of falling into the sea from the cruise ship after the rope she grabbed onto was released

The suffocating feeling surged, and she sat up abruptly in a cold sweat

She looked around in the dark, her heart pounding

She got out of bed barefoot and walked to the window. Looking at the dark clouds outside, she felt bleak

The next day, Louiseyes darkened at the untouched food in front of Genevieve’s door

He didn’t know how to face her

He pursed his lips. Since Mrs. Fallon has no appetite, make something that suits her taste. She needs to eat 


The servant knew Genevieve’s importance to Louis, so she dared not say anything and merely lowered her head

Once she heard Louiscar had left, Genevieve slowly opened her eyes

The bright light blinded her for a moment

After a while, she got up and washed up as usual. 

Opening the door, she didn’t head downstairs but instead turned down the other side of the corridor toward the 


She stood at the door and sucked in a deep breath

She tried to open the door, but the knob wouldn’t turn

The door was locked

Genevieve’s heart sank

She turned to the next room, which was Louisbedroom

She was about to open the door when at the servant’s call. You’re up, Mrs. Fallon?” 

Emergency calls onlyM 

Chapter 151 

Startled, Genevieve withdrew her hand, feeling guilty

Soon after, she swept her bangs, answering. I’m looking for Louis,” 

D 54


Seeing Genevieve acting more normal than the day before, the servant breathed a sigh of relief and said, Mr. Fallon has gone to the office.” 

Genevieve dropped her gaze. Oh.” 

She continued to stand there and looked up at the servant. Have you cleaned his room?” 

Mr. Fallon didn’t request it today,” the servant replied respectfully and added, Mrs. Fallon, what would you like to eat? Mr. Fallon is worried since you didn’t eat anything yesterday. Let us prepare something that suits your 


Genevieve responded airily, I want Clusian food, Strico cuisine to be specific. Can you make it?” 

The servant was stunned. I’ll go find a chef that does.” 

The chefs there came from highend restaurants that focused on combining nutrition with color, aroma, and 


However, Genevieve didn’t want that

The servant hurriedly went to find a chef with a solemn expression

Genevieve chuckled, then twisted the knob, not expecting it to open

Genevieve breathed out a sigh of relief and then opened the door

She looked at the overly simple bedroom and was stunned, for the style was quite different from her room

It was a simple black, white, and gray tone but wasn’t distasteful, only a little cold

The terrace looked cozier. Behind a screen was a tatami with an Atharian contemporary novel le pen next to it

The room was spacious yet lonely

It didn’t feel like a room that the gentle Louis would stay in

No document was in the room

Emergency calls only 

Chapter 151 



She thought, No wonder the servant can enter freely. If Louis had a secret, he wouldn’t have left it in the open 

and let others find it

Genevieve left the room disappointedly

In the end, the servant found a chef to prepare Strico cuisine

Genevieve preferred light tastes, but the food was already prepared. The smell stimulated her appetite as she walked downstairs

Since she hadn’t eaten anything the day before, she was starving and ate a lot

The servant was relieved, watching from the side


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