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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 161

Chapter 161 

Perhaps Louis might never return to confront Genevieve’s false display of affection, or perhaps the unexpected expose by David brought him a plethora of troubles to navigate

Genevieve, for her part, lingered on the balcony late into the night

Following the expose, she found herself utterly devoid of any leverage. This realization instilled a sense of insecurity within her

The days seemed to blur together, with two passing by in what felt like the blink of an eye

Genevieve remained in the dark about the world beyond the manor’s walls

The servants kept their conversations with her strictly to the topic of meals

Louisabsence became a constant, leaving Genevieve grappling with a growing sense of unease

The dawn of the third day brought with it the arrival of Linda

Taking in Genevieve’s noticeably diminished figure, Linda couldn’t help but sympathize

It was unclear to Genevieve whether Linda was privy to Louistrue identity. Nonetheless, Linda chose to remain 

silent on the matter

Louis is quite pitiful, isn’t he?she thought

Linda pursed her lips before saying, Gen, I’ve been sent to check up on you. Are you sure you don’t want to 


Genevieve’s response was a shake of her head

Linda was not surprised. Instead, she offered a comforting smile as she tenderly bru aside a strand of 

Genevieve’s hair

From her bag, Linda produced a minuscule cube, no larger than a fingernail, and discreetly filled it with


This,Linda began, is a special medication designed to induce an acute heart attack. When they take you to the hospital, a car will be waiting for you

The first step to freedom was to extricate herself from the manor

Genevieve accepted the cube with a blank expression, her eyes lifting to meet Linda’s as a myriad of emotions flitted across her face

Linda smiled warmly, patted Genevieve’s shoulder in a reassuring manner, and stood up to leave

Did Louis send Linda here? If not, who asked her to help me?Genevieve pondered, staring at the small cube in her hand with hesitation

The following morning, after breakfast and under the cover of the servant’s inattention, she ingested the pill

Opting not to retreat upstairs, she remained in the living room, feigning interest in a film

It wasn’t long before the medication’s effects manifested

A subtle, tingling pain emanated from her chest. Her complexion turned deathly pale in moments. As she collapsed, clutching her chest in agony, the servants rushed to her aid

The pill’s potency was undeniable; her heart fluttered painfully with each beat

Curled up on the floor, Genevieve’s body twitched slightly

A buzzing in her ears rendered her deaf to the frantic voices around her. Yet, she could see the butler making a call, his expression grave

Before she knew it, Genevieve was being ushered into a black Lincoln, her vision blurred by tearsthough whether from pain or emotion, she couldn’t tell

The servant attempted to comfort her as the car sped away, but the relentless pain was beyond soothing

Out of nowhere, the car’s stability was compromised, jerking erratically as though the driver had made a desperate attempt to regain control by slapping the steering wheel and jamming the brakes

Suddenly, the vehicle veered sharply, and without warning, Genevieve was swired into a waiting car parked beyond the greenbelt

Amidst the turmoil, a servant’s voice pierced the air with a frantic scream, urgently calling for help. Simultaneously, the driver and bodyguards leaped from the black Lincoln, determined to give chase

This Lincoln was distinguished by its unique license plate

An inconspicuous luxury car drove straight ahead and crashed into the Lincoln

David could unmistakably identify Louiscar from the myriad others. His expulsion from Fallon Group had 

obliterated years of his toil in mere moments

Despite having undeniable evidence in his possession, he had been stripped of everything

David’s relationship with Austin, his stepson, had always been strained, marked by hostility and disdain

Years ago, David had convinced Linda to sever ties with Austin, suggesting they send him to the Hoffman family and focus on having another child of their own

Since then, Austin harbored deepseated resentment toward David and allied with the real Louis, aiming to thwart David at every turn

David, driven by a desire for retribution, meticulously orchestrated what was to be Austin’s fatal car accident. Yet, in his eyes, it was never too late for Austin to meet his end

With his vision blurred by rage, David accelerated toward the Lincoln

A loud band resonated as flames erupted and smoke billowed into the sky, dyeing it a sinister shade of red

Amidst the chaos, the car harboring Genevieve merged seamlessly into the traffic

The aftermath left Louisbodyguards and servants reeling in shock, grateful for their narrow escape. They reached out to Louis, only to be met with a busy signal

Meanwhile, Linda, observing the scene unfold from a nearby highrise, was enveloped in a shroud of sorrow

Clutching the phone, she steadied herself and announced, Let her go. I’ve dealt with David myself, on your behalf. After his demise, no one will dare question you.” 

As she ended the call, tears streamed down her face, one after the other

Over the years, under Austin’s watchful eye, she had led a life of comfort and lu and grime of such deeds

So how could she get his hands dirty now

far removed from the dirt 

She had planted her people in the company and was well aware of the truths that Louis had confided in his office

Linda knew the real circumstances surrounding Austin’spresumed death and David’s malicious intent

All this shouldn’t have happened, she pondered

Chapter 161 

At Fallon Group, Louis found himself on a highrise balcony, overlooking the city shrouded in fog

Tension gripped him as he shed any semblance of his usual composed demeanor, his gaze sharp and piercing


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