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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 164

Chapter 164 

How could Anthony’s exwife become the daughter of Mr. Lawrence, boss of Lawrence Group?Everyone looked at that scene in surprise

Darrell proceeded to reveal Genevieve’s identity. Genevieve is an independent individual. She prefers not to rely on her family, so we respect her choice. However, I’ve been planning a trip with my wife recently, so after many persuasions, she agreed to return to the company. I have full confidence that my daughter will not disappoint me.” 

He looked at Genevieve gently, his eyes full of trust and pride

Genevieve smiled and raised her eyebrows

Samantha also went up gently and said a few words to ask everyone to take care of her

Her words were filled with nothing but love and concern for her daughter

But when she and Genevieve stood together, it suddenly struck everyone just how much they resembled each other

But Samantha had aged so well that no one had ever suspected that she was actually Genevieve’s mother

Despite the shock, everyone quickly accepted the fact

It was a tale of how the daughter of the Lawrence family ventured out to work incognito and ultimately inherited her family business

-Alongside the exclamations, there was a hint of envy in the air

After all, Genevieve’s most wellknown identity was once Anthony’s exwife

But right then, the identity seemed more like a blemish on her reputation

The title of the Lawrence Group’s daughter could overshadow all the glooms of the past

After the Lawrence family had finished their speeches, the crowd burst into warm applause

Jeffrey went up the stage to take a group photo, but instead of being the focal point of the spotlight as usual, he simply stood by Samantha’s side

Meanwhile, Samantha and Darrell flanked Genevieve in the center. Jeffrey’s face beamed with smiles, showing 

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Chapter 164 

no hint of envy, Genevieve’s status within the family was clear at a glance

The scene caught the attention of some observers, hitting them like a bolt from the blue

Quincey stood there with a pale face, staring at those on the stage

Even her breath became quicker

Genevieve is Samantha’s daughter?She was taken aback by the revelation

She couldn’t believe that Genevieve, who had once been meek and compliant, willing to endure all manner of insults to marry Anthony, was actually from the prestigious Lawrence family. They had assumed that she had swallowed every insult due to her ordinary background

As a result, the Hoffman family didn’t even bother to ask about Genevieve’s family

After all, someone who was eager to ingratiate themselves was considered worthless

And at present, it was revealed that she was the daughter of the Lawrence family who concealed her identity

Quincey’s heart almost leaped out of her throat

She was thunderstruck

Samantha must have secretly ridiculed me for such thoughts when I contemplated proposing to her to unite our families through marriage

No wonder Samantha reacted so strongly when the news came that Genevieve had fallen into the seal 

She even slapped me

At that time, we never imagined she had such a connection to Genevieve,’ Quincey thought

Various gazes fell upon her, some dripping with sarcasm, while others gleamed


Quincey had driven Genevieve away and chosen Andrea, who came from an ordinary background. Everyone found her decision laughable

Quincey tensed and gritted her teeth, trembling with anger

Lauraine’s face was even gloomier

Upon seeing Genevieve, her face betrayed not a hint of joy. Instead, it was filled with fear

After all, she had loosened the rope at that time

Lauraine trembled all over and quietly left the banquet hall when everyone was not paying attention

But before she could walk out, she bumped into a man

Her pale face made people suspicious

Why are you running?The man’s voice was hoarse, and his eyebrows furrowed slightly

It was Anthony, who flew back from Atharia

If he didn’t attend Lawrence Group’s banquet, rumors would have spread about him having disagreements with the company

Despite their rivalry in the business world, they still had to uphold a friendly facade publicly

Even when Lauraine saw Anthony, her fright didn’t lessen a bit

She made up a reason casually. I’m not feeling well. I have to go back first.” 

Anthony frowned and said, Ask the driver to drive you home.” 

Then, he went to the banquet hall

It was very lively inside

*But when he showed up, the voices in the hall seemed to gradually quiet down

Anthony looked at Genevieve, who was surrounded by people greeting them and accompanied by Darrell and Samantha

He pressed his lips thin. He stood there unmoving, his green eyes piercing like knife. No emotions could be discerned from his face

From the moment he saw Genevieve in Atharia, he sensed that there must have been a connection between. them in the past

But he had no memories or clues

Chapter 164 

Afterward, he could only extract one message from Quincey’s fragmented words. Genevieve is his exwife who coerced him into marriage by donating bone marrow.” 

My exwifeAnthony mused. That revelation surprised him for a moment, yet he couldn’t overlook the heaviness in his heart

No wonder Genevieve was not at all friendly to me when we met, he thought

Meanwhile, amidst the lavish and grandiose event, he appeared to be the center of attention

Anthony felt unhappy for a moment

His eyes were clear and sharp

He wondered why his exwife was so close to the Lawrence family

But his good manners stopped him from losing his temper

Quincey was alone in the banquet hall

Even when no one came to mock and tease her, she couldn’t help but wonder how the others would ridicule her behind her back

Upon seeing Anthony approach, she didn’t want to linger any longer. She swiftly turned around and dragged him along. Anthony, let’s leave now!” 

She didn’t want Anthony to know about his past with Genevieve


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