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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 211

Chapter 211 

Soon, the ambulance arrived, and Monica was quickly taken away on a stretcher

Genevieve spoke to Darrell, and she saw Andrea hurriedly head for Quincey from the corner of her eyes. The two were planning to leave

Genevieve caught up with them with wide strides, grabbed Andrea’s arm, and pulled her back

Andrea stumbled and was slapped on the face before she could stand still

Ah!Andrea screamed, covering her face and trembling with grievance

None of the staff present dared to step forward to mediate the dispute

It didn’t stop there

Genevieve didn’t let go of her at all, delivering another slap


Andrea was terrified, and her scream echoed with gutwrenching agony

People might think she had been stabbed if they didn’t know better

Terrified and panicked, Andrea hid behind Quincey

Quincey would be implicated if Genevieve were to hit her again

Genevieve paid no heed at all. The moment she raised her hand again, Quincey shouted in shock, Genevieve, have you gone mad?” 

Genevieve’s eyes were cold. She clenched her fists tightly and took a deep breath

Suddenly, Genevieve laughed. Yes. This is not the right way to do it.” 

She thought of a better idea


Chapter 211 

Genevieve took a deep look at Andrea, then turned and left the store

Quincey’s expression changed significantly, and she breathed a sigh of relief

She pretended to be calm and asked the nearby staff, What’s the relationship between that old lady and her?” 

The staff paused and replied truthfully, She’s Ms. Lawrence’s relative. Ms. Lawrence calls her Grandaunt Monica.” 

It was certain they were relatives, especially with Genevieve personally accompanying her

Andrea looked at Quincey in a panic. Mrs. Hoffman, everything I did was for you!” 

Her feud with Genevieve was far from over, and another incident had been added to the list

It was imaginable how much Genevieve hated Andrea

Quincey pushed Andrea away fiercely, distancing herself. Who told you to do that? I just wanted that old hag to get out, and you actually wanted to kill her?” 

It was unclear which word stung Andrea, and her expression changed drastically

The deepseated fear in Andrea’s heart momentarily overwhelmed her rationality, and she grabbed Quincey’s clothes tightly, pleading, Mrs. Hoffman, please help me! Please don’t let Genevieve retaliate against me, considering that I helped Lauraine find a match.” 

Quincey’s expression changed significantly, and she gritted her teeth. We need to talk to Anthony about this.” 

Genevieve stood at the door of the ward in the hospital

Monica had multiple fractures and needed quiet rest, and Genevieve called Darrell to inform him of the 


Darrell and Samantha returned in a hurry and rushed to the hospital

The incident would be difficult to keep from Rebecca and Alice, so they were informed to come as well


Chapter 211 

Samantha went outside to speak with the doctor about Monica’s injury, Darrell was accompanying Monical inside, who was gradually awakening

Genevieve stood at the door and dealt with Rebecca and Alice

Alice stood quietly behind Rebecca, not saying much

It was common for the elderly in the village to get hurt from a bump. However, the injury was more serious this time, and Monica simply needed to rest well at home

Rebecca relentlessly began expressing filial piety

As her elder, Rebecca reprimanded Genevieve for taking Monica out shopping

Upon seeing Genevieve’s increasingly cold expression, Rebecca then eased up slightly

Soon, Anthony arrived with Quincey and Andrea

Andrea was holding a fruit basket and a bouquet

Rebecca was momentarily stunned when she looked at the unfamiliar man who had an intimidating aura

He approached Genevieve, and his eyes were dark. Genevieve.” 

Genevieve raised her head. Her expression was cold as she struggled to suppress something

Finally, Anthony had come

How is Mrs. Lawrence?Anthony’s voice was deep. His expression was complex as he looked at her, completely ignoring the unfamiliar people around him

Genevieve looked at him, pursed her lips, and replied coldly, She’s not dead. Are you guys disappointed?” 

Her gaze finally landed on Quincey and Andrea

Anthony was stunned. His eyes darkened, and his voice involuntarily turned colder. Genevieve, don’t talk nonsense. This is just an accident.” 

Genevieve chuckled lightly with a hint of indifference. An accident? I saw your fiancée push her down with my 


Emergency calls only

Chapter 211 



own eyes. Are you telling me this is an accident?” 

Her voice was calm but somewhat shrill

Samantha walked over from nearby indifferently, and she couldn’t conceal the disgust in her eyes. Mr. Hoffman, there’s no need to talk about useless things. How about you tell us how you want to handle this?” 

Anthony didn’t miss the disgust in Samantha’s eyes, and his face darkened

He nodded slightly, then turned to look at Andrea

Andrea hurriedly walked over piteously. I’m sorry, Mrs. Lawrence. It’s all my fault. It was too dark at the time, and I accidentally tripped her. It wasn’t intentional. This is a small token of my apology. Please accept it.” 

Andrea held up the fruit basket and flowers in her hands, but no one took them

Her arms were getting sore. Andrea stood there awkwardly, casting a pleading glance at Anthony


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