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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 213

Chapter 213 

Anthony remained silent for a brief moment

Admittedly, he was infuriated when he saw the video

Quincey’s actions were reckless, yet Andrea, the instigator, was far more reprehensible

Several times, the thought of involving the police crossed his mind, but each time, the memory of Andrea’s tearful recount of her struggles to secure a donor for Lauraine while overseas held him back

Owing Andrea a favor meant he was now bound to assist her

In a voice that was barely above a whisper, rough and slightly parched, Anthony said, Genevieve, Andrea’s actions were indefensible, but that doesn’t mean we should lock her away. After all, she played a part in saving 

Lauraine’s life-” 

Genevieve cut him off sharply, her voice dripping with scorn, That’s your reasoning? Let’s not forget that, I too played a part in saving Lauraine. But, how quickly you forget the name of the donor, clinging instead to your gratitude toward Andrea. You cherish her for the life she saved, yet you overlook the sacrifice my family made. Be careful, Anthony, this decision might be one you’ll live to regret.” 

With those words, she ended the call abruptly

Anthony attempted to reach out again only to be met with silence

After the call, Genevieve sent a message to Jasper before carelessly tossing her phone onto the sofa, unintentionally hitting Goldie on the head

Goldie looked up, seemingly offended. Adorned in a golden faux fur outfit chosen by Genevieve that mirrored its natural coat, Goldie appeared exceptionally endearing

The outfit was a perfect fit, restoring Goldie’s confidence and dignity

At Genevieve’s clapping, Goldie bounded over, tail wagging in joy

Meanwhile, Anthony stepped out of the penthouse, aware of Genevieve’s fury but resolved to make amends to Monica in other ways


Chapter 213 

Despite recognizing Andrea’s vile nature, he knew he had to patiently wait for the right moment to address her 


The following day, Andrea was washed over with a sense of relief, confident that Anthony would not turn her 


It seemed to her that Genevieve held little significance to Anthony

Carrying soup made by Abigail, she headed to the hospital in high spirits

Simultaneously, a surveillance video began circulating on various building screens and online, igniting public discourse

As Andrea exited her car, a call from Abigail came through. Stay out of the public eye. Get Anthony to help you


Confused at first, Andrea noticed the change in the bystandersdemeanors, facing their scorn and detachment

That’s her. She’s so vicious. This is a crime.” 

Yeah. She’s absolutely crazy!” 

Her expression shifted as she approached the hospital’s entrance, a sense of dread creeping in

Suddenly, she was doused with water from a halfempty bottle thrown from the crowd

Startled, Andrea shielded her head, looking around in distress. Who did that? Who?” 

Everyone looked at her coldly. No one spoke up or defended her

Anger etched on her face, Andrea vowed, I’ll find out who’s responsible, and they’ll pay dearly for this!” 

With those words, she ascended the stairs, feeling the weight of everyone’s gaze upon her

Upon reaching the VIP floor, she overheard Quincey’s furious rant. Genevieve has lost it. How dare she publicize my image? It’s a violation of my rights. Her fall has nothing to do with me. I merely voiced my displeasure. Andrea is the one at fault, so why drag me into this mess?” 

Andrea paused, her complexion turning ashen as a sudden realization hit her. 


Chapter 213 

She quickly checked her phone, greeted by a barrage of headlines casting her and Quincey in a negative light: [MotherInLaw and DaughterInLaw of Prominent Family Accused of Harassing Elderly Woman

[Hoffman Group Shares Plummet in Wake of Scandal

Trembling, Andrea opened the video

It was grainy, seemingly recorded by an onlooker, and displayed on the largest shopping mall’s screen in 


The footage showcased Quincey’s disdainful outburst upon noticing Monica wearing identical attire

What’s this nonsense? Are you guys selling to anyone now? How dare she wear the same outfit as me? Who does she think she is? Some filthy beggar deserving of respect? Ridiculous! She couldn’t possibly afford it. Strip her of that dress, and kick her out!” 

Quincey’s contempt was unmistakable, captured for all to see

In the footage, Andrea didn’t hold back her disdain, urging action with a sneer, What are you waiting for? She’s just an old hag. On the other hand, Mrs. Hoffman is hardly lacking in funds.” 

As Andrea watched the playback, her complexion turned ghostly white, as though she had been drained of all 


The footage then showed her trailing behind Monica, and with a deliberate shove, she pushed Monica in the back right as she was about to descend the stairs, causing Monica to tumble to the floor

The video ended abruptly after that moment

Andrea had initially brushed off the incident, confident that Anthony’s presence would mitigate any fallout

Yet, the widespread sharing of the video thrust her into an immediate storm of backlash

Andrea’s lips turned ashen

The surveillance video vividly captured her arrogant demeanor, sparking a barrage of outraged comments online

[Unbelievable! This is the first time I’ve seen such haughty elitism from a wealthy family. Birds of a feather


Emergency calls only 

Chapter 213 


[Someone call the police! Isn’t this akin to firstdegree murder?

[They should go to hell! Bullying an elderly woman is unforgivable. Thank goodness the store’s surveillance cameras were rolling, or the victim would’ve had no recourse.

[Since when did luxury shops become exclusive to the rich? Aren’t elderly women allowed to browse too?

[The store manager is personally serving the old lady. Who gave them the right to belittle her?


The readers' comments on the novel: Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve)