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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 230

Chapter 230 

Finally, Anthony couldn’t stand it anymore and snorted coldly

Genevieve and Selene were caught off guard. Watching this kind of live stream on such an occasion, they felt a little guilty already. Genevieve’s phone fell to the floor, and her phone screen shattered. She stared at Anthony with a gloomy face

Anthony didn’t know what to say and frowned coldly. This kind of video with thirst traps should have been banned long ago. Can’t you enjoy some elegant works?” 

Genevieve couldn’t help rolling her eyes. What thirst traps? They are doing aerobics!” 

How can you smile like this when watching aerobics? This is clearly a thirst trap to solicit sexual attention!Anthony’s voice was hoarse, with a bit of anger. The calmness and restraint earlier were all forgotten. The tiny spark in his heart exploded as if explosives had been ignited

Genevieve gritted her teeth. She was already guilty and didn’t want to attract onlookers because of the dispute. So what if it’s a thirst trap? It’s none of your business. I’m not watching you. They’re goodlooking!” 

She thought of Anthony’s impotence again, thinking, That’s right! He’s impotent. That’s why he is jealous!Seeing Anthony fall speechless in anger, Genevieve suddenly felt happy

Selene added fuel to the fire. That’s right. Don’t you watch videos of sexy ladies? Are you a man?” 

Anthony’s face darkened. He was so angry that his face tensed, and he couldn’t speak. He thought, Damn those sexy ladies! Am I so tasteless? She openly watched those live streams with thirst traps but accused me instead?‘ 

Genevieve whispered quietly in Selene’s ear, He is impotent, so he’s jealous.” 

Despite the low voice, they were so close to Anthony that he could hear them clearly. This time, his face turned livid and grim

Selene gave him a meaningful look with sympathy and contempt

Anthony’s aura was overwhelming and cold, and a chill shrouded him. He suppressed his emotions and was at the end of his tether. The next second, he grabbed Genevieve’s hand and walked out


Don’t Be Stupid. Use a Hydraulic Press Machine 

Chapter 230 

Genevieve tried to break free, but Anthony’s strength was so great that her wrist turned red. Maybe his pride is hurt!she thought

Not far away, Stella watched Anthony leave with Genevieve and wanted to call out to them, but then she thought. of something and shut up

Louis, who was surrounded by the crowd, saw this, and his eyes darkened slightly

Anthony took Genevieve outside. Lights flickered in the drizzle. It felt somewhat misty and wet

Genevieve wrinkled her nose, thinking. My phone is broken. What is he mad about?She shook off Anthony’s hand, glanced at him with contemptuous eyes, and uttered slowly, Selene’s right. Don’t all men like sexy ladies?” 

Anthony was so angry that he tightened his jaw, gritted his teeth, and enunciated, I don’t like it.” 

What?Genevieve exclaimed

I like elegant ones, like you.Anthony’s deep eyes fixed on Genevieve’s face

Genevieve looked stunned, frowned slightly, and then smiled perfunctorily. You have nothing to do with my elegance, and you don’t deserve it.With that, she turned to go back to get her phone

But Anthony grabbed her arm and said in a hoarse voice, Then tell me, how can I deserve it?” 

The drizzle was hazy, and Genevieve felt the air moist. His words were like a wind blowing through the drizzle, making her heart foggy

Anthony held her arm firmly but dared not exert too much force. With these words, he lowered his status before her, devoid of any sense of distance and superiority

But Genevieve was unmoved. At least she wouldn’t be touched by his change of attitude. Touched? What unworthy feelings!she thought. She took a deep breath, turned to look at him, and enunciated, Anthony, how many times do I have to tell you? It’s over between us!” 

Since he betrayed their marriage and she lost her child, they were destined never to be together again. She thought he only regretted not winning her heart and not what he had done

Anthony’s eyes darkened slightly, and his face stiffened. His heart ached as if he had been punched in the chest


Don’t Be Stupid, Use a Hydraulic Press Machine 

Chapter 230 

his face pale

Genevieve saw his look and added fuel to the fire. She looked at him and approached him with a smile. Her hands gently adjusted his collar, but her voice was cold. Besides, have you forgotten Louis and I haven’t divorced? What makes you think I’ll stand on your side? Do you want to fight with him for a woman? Would you dare to do that when you can’t even protect yourself now?” 

Genevieve would make the best of it. Anthony might have endured the secret relationship when he had lost his memory before. But now that he had remembered everything, he wouldn’t put up with it. She knew he cared. about his dignity the most. As the CEO of Hoffman Group, he was a powerful man who could control everything. She didn’t believe he would fight with others for a woman. Not to mention, the woman was someone else’s wife 

and his exwife

Anthony’s face was cold, but his eyes seemed on fire. He couldn’t suppress the anger in his heart. Why do I not dare? Do you think I’m afraid of him?His voice was low and cold, emitting a chilling aura

When Genevieve looked up at him, Anthony tightened his grip on her hand and stubbornly walked in the opposite direction. Genevieve couldn’t break free and frowned. Anthony, are you crazy?” 

Anthony had already gone mad when he saw Genevieve hanging out with others. Seeing she would rather watch some unimpressive live streams than look at him, he had lost his mind. At that moment, he didn’t want to think 

anything. She should have been mine,he thought



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