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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 252

Chapter 252 

Genevieve’s face turned pale

She had a vague feeling that something wasn’t right, and this sense of foreboding was really strong. Cargo on the high seas? Is someone able to live a few years longer? Is Louisinvestment in medical academia making progress? OrGenevieve didn’t dare to dwell on the matter too deeply

She suddenly thought of Rosalie

Louis said he took care of her on the high seas

Genevieve didn’t think much. There were pirates on the high seas

It was a different world, not conforming to the norm. It was a place where the strong preyed on the weak

This was Rosalie’s fate and destiny, and Genevieve felt no sympathy for her

But Genevieve was suddenly curious. How did Louis deal with Rosalie?she thought

Genevieve took a deep breath, the information she gathered within the few seconds of the call causing her palm to break out in a nervous sweat

Jasper looked solemn and said, Ms. Lawrence, something doesn’t seem right with Mr. Fallon’s call. Shall we7” 

Genevieve pursed her lips and said, Let’s keep this to ourselves. Alerting the adversaries without evidence could lead to retaliation, and we’ll suffer losses since we’re unprepared.” 

Jasper nodded and said, Should I tell Mr. Hoffman?” 

Genevieve thought for a while and said, Okay. You can contact him, but you can’t hand the recording over.” 

Jasper understood

If the recording was leaked, it would surely cause a lot of chaos

After receiving Daniel’s call, Anthony’s expression brightened slightly


Don’t Be Stupid. Use a Hydraulic Press Machine 

Chapter 252 

He had the car stopped

Get out of the car.Brendan was still proposing various suggestions for Anthony. Hearing that, he was stunned

Anthony’s face was cold and gloomy, with a hint of unexplainable pride. Genevieve invited me to her place. We’re going on a date, so you’ll have to go by yourself.” 

Brendan’s eyes widened in disbelief

Tony, this is an expressway. You can’t stop!Brendan roared

Anthony pursed his lips and said, Ahead is the service area.” 

Brendan was shocked. How can I go back? Just take me to Genevieve!” 

Anthony was a little impatient. No, don’t be a third wheel. Get out of the car!” 

You’re really a good friend!Brendan cursed Anthony more than a dozen times in his heart

When they arrived at the service area, Brendan got out of the car reluctantly

Anthony drove off and left Brendan alone

The more Brendan thought about it, the angrier he became. He didn’t want to take sides anymore

He was pissed

At Lawrence Group, Genevieve stroked Goldie, whom she hadn’t seen in a long time, and felt that it had grown 


Goldie was very excited to show Genevieve its new clothes, a yellow fur vest

Genevieve caressed it

Suddenly, her phone rang

Genevieve took a look and found it was from Susan Hill, Jeffrey’s secretary

She picked it up


Don’t Be Stupid, Use a Hydraulic Press Machine 

Chapter 252 

Susan’s voice was a little flustered. Ms. Lawrence, has Mr. Lawrence contacted you these days?” 

Genevieve’s heart sank. No, my last contact with him was a week ago.” 

She informed Jeffrey that she was going to record a variety show and might not be able to answer the phone 


Until now, Jeffrey had never looked for her

Susan panted and said, Ms. Lawrence, something happened. Mr. Lawrence has been missing for a week.” 

Genevieve jumped to her feet with a pale face. What did you 


The progress at Mr. Lawrence is on hold, so he gave us a vacation. Last time, he only took a twoday break, but it’s been a week now without any contact from him, which is unusual. I can’t reach him at the moment. The servants in the manor mentioned that he hadn’t returned, and there were no hotel checkin records. Also, the gifts he prepared for you and the family haven’t been returned. Ms. Lawrence, I suspect something has happened!Susan said

It felt as though there was a hand inside Genevieve’s body, tugging at her heartstrings. She found herself breathing heavily

She trembled and suddenly had a bad feeling

Her voice revealed her emotions. Understood, Susan, Keep searching for him. I’ll start investigating right away. Let’s stay in touch and share any information we find promptly.” 

Susan recognized the urgency of the situation, so she immediately agreed

Genevieve hung up the phone and contacted Jeffrey immediately

Sure enough, no matter how many calls she made, no one answered

He’s always surrounded by people, but he still disappeared without being noticedGenevieve thought

Genevieve took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down but failed

Jeffrey was her closest family member. The mere thought of anything happening to him was too frightening to contemplate


Don’t Be Stupid, Use a Hydraulic Press Machine 

She felt as though she had plunged into an abyss, an inexplicable fear looming over her

Genevieve promptly summoned Jasper. Arrange for someone to search for Jeffrey. Make it noticeable, but also conduct a discreet search.” 

Jasper immediately became serious and said, Mr. Lawrence” 

Genevieve took a deep breath and panicked as she remembered the recording

She suddenly remembered Anthony’s words. He will save you and let you go, but he won’t be soft on your 


It was Louis

Genevieve’s expression changed and her hands on her lap gradually clenched into fists

She was shaking slightly

Soon, there was a voice at the door. Anthony came in with a few bags of gifts

Goldie circled around him happily

Anthony had bought it dog food, toys, and custommade imported clothes

Daniel had prepared those gifts in advance and stowed them in the trunk. He suggested that Anthony should also make an effort to win over Genevieve’s favorite dog as a way to impress her

Anthony didn’t know how long they were in the trunk. Anyway, he brought them all here

Jasper was stunned for a moment, and then immediately walked over to take the stuff


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