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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 260

Chapter 260 

Genevieve thought, The heart of the man with the surname Lawrence… 

Her mind went blank

All those dreadful thoughts flooded In

Even her fingers trembled slightly

She thought, It’s him!‘ 

Genevieve gritted her teeth as intense emotions surged within her. 

The other party was impatient and called Louis

Louis frowned, impatiently taking out his phone, glancing at it, then hanging up immediately

He saw the message

His eyes narrowed slightly before he replied with a single word and turned off his phone

The next second, Genevieve’s phone buzzed and displayed his response

He texted: [Yes.

His response felt icy and cold, like the depths of the sea

Genevieve felt a chill run through her body, shivering uncontrollably

A deep ache ran through her bones, making her heart feel as if it had been tightly squeezed. Even breathing became difficult and painful

Louis seemed unbothered next to her. This sent shivers down her spine

For the first time, Genevieve felt a bonechilling fear toward someone

She couldn’t believe he could casually put her loved ones in mortal danger before her


Don’t Be Stupid, Use a Hydraulic Press Machine 

Chapter 260 

Genevieve suppressed her trembling body and restrained her emotions

She gritted her teeth. Who exactly do you want me to meet? Where are we going?” 

Louisexpression remained unchanged, as he stepped on the accelerator to speed up

Genevieve’s breath caught, but she held onto her phone and sent her location to Jasper

However, her phone was taken away the next second

Louis glanced over, his eyes slightly chilling 

After seeing her chat with Jasper, his gaze turned instantly deep

His complexion remained cool and pale, with a touch of gloom

Silently, he lowered the car window and tossed the phone out

Genevieve’s expression changed instantly. Louis!” 

Louis accelerated, leaving behind her anger and the phone


I treat you as a friend, what do you take me for? A mere pawn?Genevieve’s voice sharpened, her eyes flashing with a hint of crimson

Her pentup anger and impatience burst forth uncontrollably

Louis remained silent, the only sound in the quiet car being her trembling breath

Soon, the car came to a stop. They were parked at a deserted harbor

Countless large and small ships lined up, quietly blending into the surging sea behind them

Louis lowered the car window and glanced at the azure sea outside

It was a beautiful day with a clear sky

Inside the car, silence prevailed


Chapter 260 

His gentle demeanor slightly retreated, revealing a hint of indifference and coldness stripped of its disguise

Genevieve pounded on the car door countless times, but it wouldn’t budge

An infinite chasm separated them in the silence as If neither was willing to continue to pretend that all was well

The briny sea breeze swept in, carrying with it a tang of salt

Louiscomplexion remained calm and serene, but his gaze now held a touch of scrutiny. When did you find 


Genevieve’s emotions stirred, but she suppressed them as best she could, striving to remain composed

Since you gave me the phone,” she answered bluntly

Since the truth was out, she saw no point in hiding. Louis, did you give me a phone only to spy on me? After dealing with Anthony, am I your next target?” 

She couldn’t comprehend and stared at him bitterly. I thought we wouldn’t stoop to this. I trusted you, Louis. But I’m not sure about you anymore. Are you the same person I thought I knew?” 

In the past, Louis was gentle and caring. He was willing to risk everything to save her

Genevieve could feel his love and dedication, his restrained yet profound intensity

However, she only sensed danger and unfamiliarity from him now

He was the complete opposite of his former self

Yet, he was still the Louis she knew

Louiseyes bore into her yet his voice remained lightly weighted. Genevieve, isn’t Anthony the one you choose to believe in? Did you think I didn’t know you were countersurveilling?” 

Genevieve’s face went deathly pale

Her gaze was a void of darkness, bereft of color

She stammered, unable to find words in the complexity of her emotions as she was terrified yet furious


Louis gently tugged at the corner of his lips, his demeanor carried a hint of aloofness. You’ve endured until now, so I presume you also know what Anthony has been up to. Do you think he can help you?” 

He reached out his hand, lightly playing with a small trinket in the car

Genevieve gritted her teeth and took a deep breath. Why did you do this?” 

Louis looked at her and smiled gently. What do you mean?” 

My brother.Genevieve tried to maintain calm but could not help revealing her emotions. The message just now was about him, right? Louis, why would you do this? How dare you?” 


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