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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 309

Chapter 309 

When Genevieve stayed with the Simpson family, she appeared smart and wellbehaved

After leaving, she became decisive and fierce when dealing with her enemies. Bill felt that she had the same demeanor as he did in the past

He felt Genevieve was more like a Simpson than Robbin

Robbin appeared tough, but in reality, she was cowardly. Additionally, she was quite scheming, much like her mother, Carrie

So Bill never liked Robbin

But everything Genevieve did pleased him

What a pity

Bill sighed in his heart

Genevieve frowned slightly and thought, The Simpson family owns this place

No wonder Lucas knew where the miniature camera was

I’m afraid it’s not a coincidence!” 

She felt a little embarrassed to punish Simon in someone else’s territory

Thinking of this, she took a step back

Take him away!she ordered the person next to her



Emergency calls only 

Chapter 309 

D94% 09:17 

Bill slightly raised his eyebrows and said, Ms. Lawrence, why don’t you continue? How about I help you?” 

He thought that Genevieve was talented and, if properly trained, could go on to take over 

some of his business

Genevieve smiled

Mr. Simpson, this is a family thing. I can handle it myself. Thank you for your kindness.” 

She smiled again and then walked to Lucas

Professor Simpson, could you please give me a copy of the surveillance video?” 

Of course, I’ll have someone send it to you later!replied Lucas

He smiled and said, You are not going to continue questioning him here?” 

Genevieve curled her lips

There is no rush. I have him in my custody. It is only a matter of time before he reveals 


Lucas nodded

Genevieve went out and called Selene but couldn’t get through. She wondered if Selene 

was still with the clients

Lucas smiled and said, Let Ms. Quinn enjoy herself. I’ll arrange for someone to take her 

back when she has had enough fun. She’ll be fine.” 

Genevieve agreed, thinking that Lucas would ensure Selene’s safety since this was his family’s property


Emergency calls onlyO… 

Chapter 309 

Thank you, Professor Simpson.” 

FD94% 09:17 

She smiled and then glanced at Jasper, who nodded and took Simon and Susan 


Bill looked at her with a smile

He said, Ms. Lawrence, make yourself at home here. Come to me if you need anything!” 

Since she had her back to the people outside, she didn’t notice that Simon was turning to look at her with shocked eyes

Genevieve smiled and said, Goodbye, Mr. Simpson!” 

Bill walked out, saying, I’m leaving too. Let’s go together!” 

Genevieve was surprised

She thought, Why am I feeling that Bill is too enthusiastic about me

Does he enjoy watching others torture people

This is a cruel habit.” 

Of course, she wouldn’t tell him what she was thinking

Lucas was about to return to the private room when Bill pulled him over

Why don’t you walk Ms. Lawrence out? You can talk along the way. Don’t you even know 


Lucas pursed his lips and could only catch up with Genevieve

Bill glanced at him with a cold face


Emergency calls only 

Chapter 309 

He was really disappointed in Lucas

He didn’t even know how to chase women. He deserved to be single for more than 20 


Bill said in a deep voice, I have two tickets for animal hunts in an enclosed space. Ms. Lawrence, do you want to see it?” 

Genevieve paused, thinking it was too ferocious

She said with a smile, I’ve been busy lately. I’m afraid I can’t spare the time to go.” 

Bill paused for a while and patiently asked, I also have two tickets for the boxing match. Do you want to go?” 

Genevieve pursed her lips. She was really not interested

I have been too busy lately and cannot make it. I’m sorry.” 

Bill was silent for a few seconds, but he didn’t give up

What about the horse race? I also have two tickets.” 

Genevieve twitched the corner of her mouth

She thought, Why does he have so many tickets?‘ 

It would be a little rude for her to reject him three times

So she smiled and said, Okay, I’ll make time to go!” 

Bill smiled happily and glanced at Genevieve with satisfaction

Then he said, I have three tickets. Let’s go together!” 


Emergency calls only ba 


Chapter 309 



He preferred horse racing over violent races

He didn’t expect Genevieve to have the same hobby

Lucas was speechless

They reached the first floor

As they were exiting the elevator, they suddenly heard a gunshot from the front door

Bill tensed and pulled Genevieve behind him

Lucas also reacted quickly and stood in front of them

The bodyguards immediately surrounded them

Soon, Jasper ran over with a gloomy face

Ms. Lawrence, Simon was shot” 

He should have been more attentive. How did he not expect that someone would openly 

kill people when public security was in chaos abroad

Genevieve’s expression became horrible

She couldn’t suppress her anger

She wanted to run out, but Lucas held her tightly and pulled her back into the elevator

Ms. Lawrence, it’s not safe outside. Wait until the bodyguards clear the area.” 

They were used to shootings, and they had a way of dealing with them

The gunner might be here to kill Simon to stop him from telling the truth, or maybe he 


Emergency calls only 

Chapter 309 

was here for someone else



Bill rarely showed up in public places. Naturally, someone wanted to harm him

The three of them went back to the elevator

Genevieve trembled slightly

She didn’t know what she was feeling, but she felt a blockage in her chest, making it 

difficult to breathe

Simon’s death revealed that the situation was not just a cutthroat business competition

as she had initially thought


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