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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 330

Chapter 330 

Robbin couldn’t help but explain, I’m optimistic about a school. I can go there directly and handle the formalities later 

When she was talking, there was a noise outside

The butler knocked on the door and said, Sir, Lucas is back with his men.” 

Bill’s expression was calm and unchanged

He just raised his eyelids slightly and glanced at Robbin

Robbin’s face changed dramatically, and she was a little flustered. Her lips were slightly 


She took a few steps back, looked at Bill and said, Dad, please. Promise me that you will send me away now.” 

Bill’s eyes coldly examined Robbin, with an irresistible aura. Does it have anything to do with you?” 

Robbin was nervous and immediately shook her head to deny it

Her eyes dodged, but the revealing look made Bill suspicious

Robbin took a deep breath and smiled reluctantly

Dad, I’m not feeling well today, so I’ll go back to rest first,Robbin said

Then she turned around and went downstairs

The butler stood at the door and waited for Bill’s order


Chapter 330 

Bill walked over slowly, his eyes dark and cold

The butler was Bill’s man, so he would tell Bill everything he knew. Lucas doesn’t look well and comes here with his men for Robbin.” 

Bill pondered for a moment before going out

Before he could get downstairs, he saw Lucas tugging Robbin, who was trying to hide

down the stairs

Robbin struggled with fear and said, Lucas, you are my brother. How can you help others to bully me?” 

Lucas looked gloomy and said, Bully you? You do things too bad, I just let you bear the consequences of your own, this is called bullying you? And what did you do to Genevieve?” 

Robbin said, What did I do? Is she talking nonsense? She is framing me. I didn’t do anything. I came back after dinner today, and I did not come to her privately at all.” 

Don’t you admit it? She didn’t tell me at all. The people you hired have told me everything.Lucas glared at Robbin angrily

It was not easy for Robbin to live in the Simpson family, so he took care of her before

Even though Carrie arranged for her to spy on him, Lucas didn’t give her a hard time


In front of Carrie, she hid her arrogant, indifferent, and cruel nature and became obedient, gentle, and weak

But Lucas knew that she was just in disguise


Chapter 330 

How could the child brought up by Carrie be kind

Robbin’s face turned pale immediately

Her eyes flickered slightly and she calmed herself down. Well, so what? So what if I did it

She stood up for Selene. Wasn’t she bullying me

Didn’t she bully me by asking me to apologize in the restaurant today

Without her, could Selene defeat me

She’s letting people embarrass me

Lucas, I think you are really enchanted by her. You and Anthony have been fascinated by her. Are you going to destroy your sister because of her

Lucas slapped Robbin in the face directly

Robbin covered her face and looked at Lucas in shock. Why did you beat me for an 


They didn’t have a deep relationship, but Lucas took good care of her

Lucas was the best person for her in this family

Since Genevieve showed up, Robbin has been constrained everywhere

Robbin was reluctant to leave the Simpson family because Carrie was the only one she needed to please in the Simpson family

But if she left the Simpson family, she had to please everyone

I can’t stand what you’ve done.Lucas’s voice was cold



Carrie heard a noise and came out of the room

Looking at this scene, Carrie frowned slightly and said, What’s going on? Lucas, you usually love Robbin very much. How can you do this?” 

She smiled sarcastically and said, Did you usually pretend to be kind before?” 

When Robbin saw Carrie coming out, she immediately cried with grievances. Mom, Help me!” 

In this family, Robbin was the one Carrie values, so she wanted to know what was going 

  1. on

Carrie’s face darkened. She hurriedly looked at Bill who was standing on the stairs quietly and walked forward, Bill, look at Lucas. Did he deliberately aim at me and vent his anger on Robbin?” 


Save her an indifferent look, and then went down. Lucas, make it clear. What does 

this have to do with Ms. Lawrence?” 

Robbin looked a little flustered in this time

Lucas took a deep breath and said, Today, she apologized to Ms. Quinn, and then asked someone to kidnap Genevieve after dinner and send Genevieve to Henry’s place. If the person who picked Genevieve up had not recognized my contact information on Genevieve’s phone, I am afraid that it’s gonna get a lot worse.” 

Bill’s face suddenly became cold

He waved his hand violently and swept the glass in front of him to the ground


Emergency calls only

calls onlyMOO

Chapter 330 

The living room became silent

Bastard, how could you do such a dirty thing?Bill scolded

Robbin’s face turned pale


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