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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 52

Chapter 52 

73% 11:06 



One of the doctors said cautiously, It was a patient’s family member who caused trouble and accidentally stabbed Ms. Stewart. We’ve already called the police, and the hospital will bear the corresponding responsibility.” 

Rosalie wiped the tears from her face in anger and wailed, It’s Genevieve! It must be her! Yesterday, I went to take you away, so she bore a grudge against me and hired someone to come after me. Look at this. I was even stabbed at this exact same point… 

Most importantly, when the man stabbed her, he blurted out that she had messed with the wrong person

The only person she had ever messed with was Genevieve, so she figured that Genevieve must be behind it

Anthony’s expression was icecold. He furrowed his brows, seemingly upset as he piped up, You can’t spout nonsense like this without proof.” 

It’s the truth, AnthonyRosalie continued to mumble ahead. Sadly, all that fell on deaf ears for Anthony

A minute ago, his subordinates had reported to him that Genevieve and Louis had both returned to Acocester together

He was about to leave early when Daniel called him on the phone, saying, Mr. Anthony Hoffman, Mr. Frank Hoffman is coming around.” 

Anthony was stunned and left immediately

Frank’s wellbeing meant the world to him

When Rosalie heard Daniel’s words, she suddenly stopped sobbing altogether as if she could no longer feel the pain in her arm. Her face was pale and inundated with fear

Didn’t they say the old geezer’s time is up? How could he have come around?’ she asked herself

She instantly panicked and became worried

The doctor next to her kept apologizing, Ms. Stewart, should we take a break?” 

Rosalie waved her hands impatiently at that. Get lost. I’m getting out of here.” 

She could not wait a second longer. Should she fail to head back, something bad might happen

Meanwhile, when Anthony arrived at the hospital back in Acocester, the doctor was stepping outafter a checkup

The patient did have a conscious reaction, but he’s not yet awake. This is a good sign, though. It’s only a matter of time before Mr. Frank Hoffman comes around,stated the doctor

Anthony’s mien softened with relief, Where’s Grandma Margaret?” 

Then came the doctor’s reply. Mrs. Hoffman’s weak, but she’s in better condition. It’s not lifethreatening for her. She’s still in a coma, but all her indicators are normal. I believe she’ll recover consciousness s pretty soon.” 

After listening to the doctor’s report, Anthony nodded


173% 11:07 

Chapter 52 

He stayed in the hospital for a while

It was then that Daniel rushed over. Mr. Hoffman, we’ve gone through Ms. Stewart’s call history. A call was indeed traceable before she went to Ms. Lawrence’s ward. Even so, the other party used a modified line, so we couldn’t tell who 

the caller was.” 

Anthony’s face darkened in an instant

Rosalie!’ was his thought

His heart froze at that. Keep an eye on her,came his command

That night, Rosalie hurried back to Acocester

Samson had a fever again, so she openly went straight to stay the night at the hospital

However, that time around, it was no easy feat for her to get close to Frank’s and Margaret’s wards

Frank’s and Margaret’s wards were closely guarded, and no one could get in except for the appointed doctors

Rosalie was beside herself with worry because of that

Yet, she was relieved to hear that Frank had yet to completely come to his senses

As for Genevieve, given that she was injured, Darrell made her stay at home to recuperate

After the whole week passed, the wound scabbed, and she was finally able to step out for some fresh air. 

The TV station’s program had been aired for some time, and it had been wellreceived. It had ridden the wave of trending topics and had been hyped up to the point where every viewer enjoyed watching the program

The first season was a singing and dancing competition, after which the contestants who made it to the next round would be partaking in a vacation with teambuilding activities

While filming the second season, Leonardo rang Genevieve up. Right now, Jessica from Eagle Entertainment is being exploited by our rival because of Rosalie’s incident. They defamed and called Jessica out for being a mistress and abusing her power. That really dealt a blow to her. Say, Ms. Lawrence, why don’t you make an appearance on our show? Consider it as something to back Jessica up.” 

Genevieve was stunned by the fact that she had indeed overlooked that

She thought everything would be smooth sailing after getting rid of Rosalie, forgetting that Jessica was but a rookie in the entertainment industry

Okay, I’ll be there, agreed Genevieve after brooding over it for a while. After all, she was the one who asked Jessica to post 

that video

After hanging up the phone, Genevieve asked Jasper to make the necessary arrangement

The sky was dark on the day of the filming

In the resort, a couple of newcomers were busy packing up their things

Chapter 52 


Genevieve came out of nowhere as a mystery guest on the show

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She was clad in a white silk dress, and her relaxed manner further accentuated her graceful and delicate demeanor. Her alluring, beautiful facial features looked calm and sweet under the shimmering lights in the dark

Her temperament was tranquil. Not a hint of aggression could be sensed

Everyone was stunned the second they caught sight of Genevieve

Jessica and the others came up to her in surprise. Genevieve.. 

Genevieve saw that Jessica did not look so well, but the latter had it all concealed with makeup. Rather nonchalantly, Genevieve went over to embrace Jessica while whispering in her ear, Why didn’t you speak up for yourself even when you were picked on?” 

Jessica froze for a second. Her eyes reddened with tears. I-” 

The host of the program came over and welcomed Genevieve with a smile. I wasn’t expecting Ms. Lawrence to mystery guest! What a pleasant surprise!” 

he our 

Genevieve smiled and politely went over to shake hands with the rest, but one lady among the group of people ignored her already outstretched hand and turned away with a snort

There was a moment of awkwardness

to be served” 

The host then hurriedly mediated the dispute. Regina must be waiting for the supper to be served.. 


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