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Substitute Her to Love You (Charlotte and Patrick) novel Chapter 144

Mabel shouted at Seth over the computer, "How come you are still helping her now? Don't you know that she is in a relationship with the President of our company, Mr. Cowell?"

"Shut up."

Lisa now knew that she was in the wrong. So she didn't want to make a scene out of this matter.

But Mabel refused, "Seth Hyde, didn't you ask me to help you investigate who had hurt your parents? I found out that the one who had asked the accountant to complete the transaction was Mr. Cowell's assistant, Wilson Jacob! You should be very clear about who did this!"

Although she was talking about Wilson, I looked at Patrick instead.

As for who harmed Seth's parents, both Seth and I knew it clearly.

At that time, I was full of doubts. Although Lisa somewhat enlightened me, I was somewhat suspicious in my heart.

As the truth was exposed by Mabel, I

inexplicably felt a sense of disgust in my heart.

It was my disgust for Patrick.

Mabel turned her face to me with a grim smile on her mouth as the fat flesh on her face trembled, "Charlotte Archer, do you think Mr. Cowell is very sinister? Let me tell you, Seth who has been pretending to take good care of you is more sinister!"


"Hahaha, you don't know about it, right? In the beginning, Glorious Seth Design didn't get any orders for a while. Everyone thought that Seth had been retaliated. For the sake of the fact that he was my relative, I introduced my client to Seth. As a result, my client told me that Glorious Seth Design didn't want to accept any order!"

I was very clear about what Mabel was talking about.

At that time, I had left Glorious Seth Design. But Angie told me that Glorious Seth Design was going to close down.

At that time, I started to suspect Patrick...

"It's enough!"

Seth's voice came from the computer.

His voice was mixed with a clear sense of panic.

As for the reason why, even if he didn't say it, I understood.

Mabel looked at my computer and smiled horribly. "Are you afraid? It's too late! You want to make up with her, right? I won't let you!"


Seth wanted to say something over the computer. "Bang!" Patrick came over and turned off the computer with a snap.

He glanced at everyone present coldly, put his hands in his pockets, and said word by word, "If what happened here today is spread out, I won't track down the source. But I guarantee that all of you can't hang around in this industry from now on."

After he said that, he walked over to me and said, "Let's go."

At this time, I was in an extremely complicated mood. And I wasn't in the mood to say anything else to Patrick.

I could only say briefly, "Thank you, Mr. Cowell."

Then I strode out of the conference room.

I could hear the sound of Patrick chasing me out. Then I quickened my pace and arrived in front of the elevator. Both of the elevators were upstairs. And it would quite a while for me to wait for the elevate to stop at this floor.

Helplessly, I chose to walk from the stairwell by the side.

As soon as I entered the stairwell, Patrick caught up with me and hugged me with one hand.

I was so angry that I struggled to push him away!

"Um." Patrick took a step back and leaned against the wall, holding the arm of his left hand with his right hand.

Only then that I remembered that...

His arm hadn't recovered yet. But it was no longer cast. Even so, as the saying goes, it takes time for someone injured to get well. He surely couldn't get well in a few days.

At this time, his face was twisted. And his expression indicated that he seemed to be in pain as he leaned against the wall.

I went down two more steps, only to find that he didn't mean to chase after me at all.

"Does something really happen to him?"

After thinking about it for a while, I leaned over and gently held his arm with one hand, "Are you okay?"

Patrick still held his left hand with his right hand and managed to say, "It hurts."

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean it. I forgot that your arm had been injured."

Tobe honest, I was a little flustered at that time.


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