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Suddenly There Are Three (Bailey and Artemis) novel Chapter 1114

Chapter 1114 The Master Betrays His Apprentice

After leaving the tearoom, Bailey was ready to return to her guest room to continue her nap.

Just as she returned to the main living room, Sammy came forward with her phone in hand. "Ms. Bailey, your phone has been ringing several times. Mr. Luther asked me to bring it to you."

Bailey looked up at the second floor, not in a hurry to take the phone from his hand. Lowering her voice, she asked, "What is he doing right now?"

Sammy, holding back a laugh, had a satisfied expression. I knew it. How could she possibly have a real falling out with Mr. Luther? All of this is nothing more than a prank by her. Unfortunately, Mr. Luther can't see past that, tormenting himself alone in his room. Still, a little quarrel and playfulness between a couple is good. Life can be too bland, and it can always use some seasoning. Otherwise, over time, it becomes tedious. "He's trying on all the clothes in the room. Your craftsmanship is truly exquisite, Ms. Bailey. I can see your love as Mr. Luther puts them on one by one."

At that point, the butler hurriedly handed Bailey the phone he was holding. "The phone is ringing again. You should probably answer it, Ms. Bailey."

Bailey's gaze swept across the screen, and upon seeing the words 'Winslow', she couldn't help but let out a wry smile. He must have seen the rumors outside, thinking I stood by and did nothing while Orion was in danger. That's probably why he keeps calling me.

After taking the phone, she walked toward the staircase while sliding the answer button. "Master Winslow, it's been a while since we last spoke. How have you been?"

She wouldn't be surprised if he called her, since Winslow was the disciple of Traceless and the master of Traceless' son.

"Bay, are you really going to stand by and watch Orion destroy himself? You two are practically siblings, for goodness' sake. I understand that you hold a prestigious position and have many mentors and peers in this world. However, Traceless has taught you, and you should show gratitude in return. The disaster that befell Orion is ultimately because of you. You cannot stand by and do nothing," said Winslow.

Bailey smiled and sighed lightly. "Master Winslow, how could you also believe the rumors from outside? Do you really see me as that heartless? Ever since Orion was kidnapped, I've been searching everywhere for him. How can you accuse me of standing by and doing nothing? Your words are rather cruel."

"This..." Winslow found it challenging to speak, his concern causing his thoughts to be in disarray.

The world belonged to the young. He had the will but not the strength. Even if he wanted to save his apprentice, he lacked the capability.

The only person he could rely on was Bailey. "If Faceless threatens Orion, would you hand over the Art of Semblance?"

Bailey furrowed her brows. Why do I detect a hint of nervousness in his tone? I don't think he's nervous about Orion. I think he's more concerned about whether I'll hand over The Art of Semblance. Could it be...

The thought of a certain possibility caused Bailey's fingers to tighten abruptly around her phone. Orion's disguise technique is not bad, and he has a calm temperament. Logically speaking, he shouldn't be easily controlled by Faceless. Even if his strength was not on par with Faceless, he could still send a distress signal when his life was at stake. In reality, he was captured without a trace, and I didn't receive a single piece of news. The reason for this situation could be one of two things. Either Faceless has become so powerful that it defies the natural order, or someone is helping her. Based on Winslow's reaction, I have a bold guess. Perhaps Orion is betrayed. Well, I'll know once I probe about it.

Thus, she said, "Master Winslow, as you know, Faceless' conduct is unscrupulous. If The Art of Semblance falls into her hands, she will undoubtedly establish her own sect and completely control this industry. When the time comes, and she gathers a motley crew to create chaos and harm in the world under the guise of falsehood, our sin will be immense."

It seemed that Winslow snorted coldly. His tone was full of disdain, yet he played the victim with his words, "You make a fair point, but Orion is my disciple. I can't just stand by and watch him die. Bay, if you still have a shred of conscience left, you should hand over The Art of Semblance to Faceless. This could save Orion's life. If you refuse, it'll mean you're ungrateful and treacherous."

As Bailey sneered, her eyes flashed with a hint of mockery.

She became increasingly confident that there was something off about Winslow. Perhaps he was after The Art of Semblance, and that was why he used Faceless to kidnap his own apprentice so he could threaten her with Orion. This old man... He better not give me any leverage, otherwise, I'll surely drag him to our ancestral master to beg for forgiveness.

Chapter 1114 1

Chapter 1114 2

Chapter 1114 3


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