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Super Sweetheart of the CEO Daddy novel Chapter 1242

"He's coming!" Alvina Miller couldn't help but say this in a low voice, but Kelly quickly glared at her, signaling her not to speak carelessly.

Alvina Miller understood and quickly shut her mouth, but her pair of beautiful eyes continued to stare at the man.

At this moment, Joseph Grant and a Head of State were walking towards the conference room while talking. On such an important occasion, Joseph Grant had overturned his expression very much, even when he was smiling. He looked very reserved and polite, giving people a serious feeling.

Alvina Miller and the six beauties also stood at the two sides with a smile on their faces, showing a form of courtesy towards the foreign guests.

"Look at me! Look at me! Look at me!” At this moment, Alvina Miller's inner thoughts were only filled with these few words. She did not know why she thought this way, but she was looking forward to see how Joseph Grant would give her a glance, even a white glance.

Just as Joseph Grant and the foreign leader walked in front of them, Joseph Grant was able to control himself from looking at the little woman, but when he got closer, he saw her obediently standing there. Her eyes were especially bright, and had a smile on her face that he could understand.

Joseph Grant's heart suddenly became chaotic, he didn't know what was wrong, in that moment, he actually heard the words of the person beside him wrongly.

Of course, this was only a moment of shock, and Joseph Grant withdrew his gaze at the right time.

"He's looking at me!" Alvina Miller was a little pleased with herself in her heart. Although Joseph Grant had only glanced over indifferently, Alvina Miller had felt that he had seen her.

Alvina Miller was overjoyed, while Kelly, who was standing beside Alvina, was even happier. Kelly's heart was beating very quickly, if she hadn't made a mistake just now, would Vice - President look at her and remember her?

Kelly could not believe it, but she was so happy that she felt like flying.

Joseph Grant and the foreign leaders had already entered the meeting room, Kelly and the other staff members naturally followed along to wait upon them. Of course, they had basically finished their work, and could only send them water when they needed it.

"We only need to arrange one person inside. All of you, wait outside." Kelly suddenly stopped a few of her beauties.

"Let me go!" Alvina Miller said instinctively. There was no other way, she really wanted to see how Joseph Grant worked with her own eyes.

"You are a newbie and are not qualified for this job. Let me do it." After Kelly said that, without waiting for anyone else's opinion, she walked in and closed the door softly.

"No!" Alvina Miller screamed in pain in her heart. She had even dreamed to see Joseph Grant working, why did Kelly deprive her of such expectations?

Although her heart was in a frenzy, her face was still calm. Some of beauties also complained a bit, but right now, work was the top priority. Naturally, they did not dare to argue too much with Kelly.

Joseph Grant sat down on his seat. The first thing he wanted to do was see if Alvina Miller had entered. But when he saw another receptionist entering, a sense of loss flashed past his face.

Of course, only he could experience these small emotions. In this kind of environment, no one would reveal their emotions, not to mention, he was the Vice-President.

When Kelly entered, she felt Mr. Vice -President looking at her. The feeling of her heart beating even faster, and her face was flushed red.

During the meeting time, Alvina Miller stood outside with a face stiff from laughter. She subconsciously extended her hand to squeeze her face, but she was reminded by someone beside her in a low voice: "Pay attention to your manners, there's a monitor over there. If you're seen by Miss Black, then she will have to talk about you again!"

Alvina Miller immediately gave up the idea of rubbing her face. She could only continue to stand and maintain her polite smile.

After an hour or so, the meeting finally ended. When Alvina Miller saw the staff members come out, followed by the foreign leader and Joseph Grant, the two of them were still chatting with a smile on their faces. Alvina Miller had heard some political words, Joseph Grant was speaking the language of that country, and it just so happy that Alvina Miller could understand it too. She thought that Joseph can speak fluent foreign language.

Kelly walked out with a slightly flushed face, and her infatuated gaze stayed on Joseph Grant's tall back for a few seconds.

At the meeting room, Joseph asked her for a bottle of water. Kelly was so excited that she cannot control her hand. His hands were trembling all the way. At this moment, Kelly firmly believed that the Vice-President still had an impression of her, and she would definitely work even harder to make herself more outstanding. She hoped that one day, she would have the chance to come into contact with the Mr. Vice - President and leave him with a better impression.

Kelly's current dream was not too big, she did not dare ask for anything else, she only hoped that Joseph Grant would remember her and say a few more words to her.


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