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Super Sweetheart of the CEO Daddy novel Chapter 1374

The sharp edge of the blade made Benson cower in fear. He was truly afraid of death, even if he had nothing at the moment, as long as he was allowed to live, he would agree to any condition. After all, if he died, he would have nothing.

"Okay, I said, what do you want to know?" Benson trembled as he nodded, he no longer had the aura of revenge.

"What did Barry tell you to do?" A man next to him took out a recorder pen and began to interrogate him. Benson looked at the recording pen, his entire body trembling from fright, and only fear and unease remained in his heart. If the people from the Old President knew that he had betrayed all of the information, would they also send someone to take his life?

Benson suddenly felt that he was on a dead end.

"One night, he came to my house to find me and ask me to seduce Alvina …"

"Seduction?" These two words made a whole carriage full of men laugh.

"You are really that confident in your face? You actually want to use your pretty face to seduce women? You're really annoying!" The man who was playing with the blade suddenly raised his hand and cut Benson on the face. His grip on the side of his face was good, the cut was not deep, but it would definitely leave a scar in the future. Benson screamed in pain, he covered the side of his face, and blood flowed down from the gaps of his fingers.

"Continue!" The man asked coldly.

"Benson said that as long as I can make Alvina like me, he can make me promotion. He only let me do one thing, I really do not know anything else."

"Is that so? Do you need me to wake you up and remember? "The man sneered.

Benson was so frightened that he shrunk again. Only then did he continue: "Barry is trying to use my pursuit of Alvina to probe out Joseph's feelings for Alvina."

"Pah!" A slap landed heavily on the other side of his face. "Is the Vice—President's name something you can call?"

Benson was stunned again. He was finally able to confirm that this group of fiendish demons was sent by Joseph to deal with him. His whole body showed a deathly lethargy.

I am wrong, I should not be greedy for the chance to rise, I beg everyone to let me go, I truly only know this, and, I have also failed, Barry has already given up on me, it is useless for you all to capture me, I do not know more news. Benson immediately cried and begged for mercy.

"Where's Zoey? You don't know either? "The man suddenly asked angrily, kicking him in the chest.

"Zoey? Wasn't Zoey dead? She was killed by the person from the Minister Smith? " Benson was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he answered blankly.

"What? You're talking nonsense. Do you believe that I can make you pay for your death as well? "The man grabbed the front of his shirt. The knife was already on his neck. The man sitting on either side of him quickly pulled him away.

"I did not participate in this matter. I really did not know, all I knew was that Minister Smith said Zoey died, and it seemed to be … drowned in the sea! "Benson trembled as he quickly replied.

Just at this time, the business car stopped, and Benson turned to look out the window. It was actually a side of a forest, he was so shocked that his breathing stopped, was he going to kill him?

"Benson, if you are alive, you should consider being an upright and good person, because there are no good endings to being a bad person. What you have done to Alvina, is something that only scum would do." While the man got off the car, he sneered and taught Benson a lesson.

“I will definitely never hurt anyone again. In the future, when I see Alvina, I will take a detour around her. I guarantee that I won't have any thoughts towards her again. "Benson was really scared, he did not have those thoughts anymore.

"Even though you've admitted to your mistake, you still deserve a beating. Both of you drag him in and beat him up. Then, you can teach him a lesson." The man flexed his fingers and ordered his two men.

"Didn't you say you wouldn't kill me? You want to go back on your word? "When Benson heard that he was going to be beaten up again, he became spirited and shouted anxiously.

"Not killing you, but that doesn't mean I won't beat you up." The man mocked.

Benson was immediately dragged into the forest by the two men. After a round of punches and kicks, Benson fainted for a few hours, before he woke up from his unconsciousness. He touched his phone and discovered that it was missing, and then angrily punched himself on the floor with his fist.

Maybe Benson did not know more information, but when he heard that Zoey was related to the sea, the Lieutenant Hilton had already sent people to search along the coastal area.


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