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Super Sweetheart of the CEO Daddy novel Chapter 1666

The moonlight was at the end of the corridor, the antique corridor lamp was on, and Alvina Miller felt like she was in a dream. Looking back, the man followed behind her deeply, his deep eyes locked tightly She made her fall into the colorful world he knits.

Joseph Grant looked at the girl walking in front of her. In this moment, she really looked like an elf who came out of the oil painting. Her long black hair with a waist, a set of vintage and long dresses, bright and beautiful, walked in this dim light, he was like the person in his dreams, making him want to freeze this moment.

"Yeah!" The man muttered softly.

"Mmm!" The girl who walked forward looked back, her eyes bright and falling into the moonlight.

The man suddenly bullied himself and Alvina Miller leaned on the wall behind him.

Joseph Grant's tall body tied her between her chest and the wall. He raised his finger and gently stroked her pretty face.

Alvina Miller's breathing became tight. She knew the man in front of her. At this moment, she seemed to understand what he wanted.

Joseph Grant's breathing became a little more urgent as well.

Alvina Miller tiptoed and sent a lip before him. The man finally stopped, his thin lips showing a rush and madly gaining all her sweetness.

The lights were blurred, but they were not against the gentle jade in their arms. Joseph Grant had long forgotten where he was, just wanting to hug her tightly, wanting to be more greedy and more from her.

Alvina Miller's pressure over the past few days made her in a bad mood. At this moment, as if she had been relaxed once, her two slender arms were tightly wrapped around him.

The atmosphere rose and it had been a few minutes. Joseph Grant realized that her fingers had unconsciously pulled the zipper on her back and pulled her long hair to the side and kissed it on her neck.

"Alvina, it's getting late, we have to go back!" Joseph Grant kept his impulsive thoughts in time and mumbled her voice to remind her.

It was as if Alvina Miller had calmed herself down from a distant dream. Her eyes were intoxicated, as if he had been drunk, standing unstable, her face crimson, and he could only rely on breathing on his chest. On his placket.

"Okay!" Alvina Miller also calmed down and nodded.

Joseph Grant reached over her waist and the two of them walked down the stairs.

Although the two of them did not have any extra communication, the spark from the moment just now did not annihilate in each other's bodies.

At the forest trail, Warren Hilton followed Zoey. Zoey was looking at the night scene around her, but Warren Hilton was looking at her.

He walked a few steps and walked with her side by side, deliberately reaching out his hand. As a result, she had to pull her hand. Zoey suddenly pointed his finger at a place not far away: "Do you see it?.”

Warren Hilton's fingers stiffened and she looked in the direction she was pointing. "There's a lake there, where there's water, of course they'll be fireflies. What a fuss."

"In the past, I only saw one, but now I saw one. Of course, I was amazed." Zoey pouted.

"It's a pity that we didn't bring the bottle over now. Otherwise, I can catch some for you and take you home to watch." The only romantic cell in Warren Hilton was inspired, since it was something his girlfriend liked, Of course, he had to grab a few to please her.

"Are you really willing to help me catch it? Or else, you can catch one in your hand and let me take a closer look." Zoey deliberately troubled him.

"Okay, wait for me!" She thought that she was invincible. Even if his girlfriend's request was unreasonable, he would have to go all out.

When Zoey saw him rushing towards the grass, she quickly told him: "Be careful, the other side is leaning against the water. Don't fall off. I won't save you."

Warren Hilton said arrogantly, "Don't worry, I can get up wherever I drop."

When Zoey heard him, he could not help but laugh.

Being able to amuse his girlfriend made Warren Hilton lose his judgment on the situation in front of him. When he pounced on the fireflies, he forgot to observe the area under his feet. When he reached out with his hands, he caught one. She didn't feel enough. Good things were in pairs, and catching fireflies was a double.

"Don't kill them, I'll just take a look." Zoey immediately called him not far away.


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