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Super Sweetheart of the CEO Daddy novel Chapter 2048

Apparently, Creamy was angry, but in her heart, she wanted to laugh. Tinge was so domineering that he didn't let her listen. Perhaps the chat downstairs was more interesting, but for the sake of a man's self—esteem and face, shemanaged to not to go.

Cynthia only wanted to scareKeith. She didn't expect him to be so nervous. She gradually felt that this man was more interesting than she had imagined.

Mrs. Williamsinvitedthis large group of elders for dinner. There was no one at the dinner table who was dumb. An aunt began to stare at her two daughters—in—law and ask.

"You're not young anymore. My sister's daughter had a baby at the age of 23. You're almost 30, so you have to hurry up. Once you are old, it's not good for having a baby and for the recovery of your figures."

"That's right. Young ladies, don't just enjoy yourself at this moment. You'd better have a baby as soons as possible."

"Cousin, third sister, please have more. The children have their own plans. They just began theirrelationship. There must be some time to get used to it," Mrs. Williams hurriedly put the dishes into her sisters' bowls.

Cynthia originally wanted to say a few words, but seeing that her future mother—in—law was so open and reasonable, and helped her and Creamy everytime, she could only hold back and not say anything. Forget it, outsiders were outsiders. As long as her mother—in—law was reasonable, they would be able to get along with each other easily in the future.

"Tinge, how many children are you planning to have?" Another anut started gossiping again.

Tingeslightly flushed,and he subconsciously glanced at the woman sitting beside him.

Creamy also turned her eyes to look at him, and Tinge immediately said, "It's up to the God, not us."

"Come on, why you say it's not up fo you. You can have as many as you want." The older aunt beside him immediately laughed.

Creamy's cheeks turned red, like burning fire. There were so many people at the table. Would it be apprpriate to say such thing?

Cynthia looked at Creamy's burning face with interest. She was itching too. Why didn't anyone ask her how many children she wanted to have?

"Keith, what about you?" Just as the idea came to Cynthia's mind, someone had already set their eyes on her and Keith.

Keith was eating a steak. Just as he took two bites, he was mentioned. He choked and hurriedly brought water to relieve the spicy taste. He raised his head and looked at the aunt, beingconfused.

"We decided to have a football team." Cynthia replied with a mischievous smile.

"Poof." Keith, who had just drank a mouthful of water, spat out the water in his mouth when he heard her words. Fortunately, he turned his head away. Otherwise, he wouldn't have to eat dinner today.

"Are you alright?" Cynthia originally wanted to frighten this bunch of broken—mouthed aunts, but she didn't expect that her boyfriend would be scared. Her mouth twitched.

Mrs. Williams noticed that Cynthia was deliberately making trouble. She couldn't help but laugh. It seemed that their sons picked the women who were complementary to them in personality. Her elder son was mature and steady. His girlfriend was gentle and cute. Her little son was sluggish and unruly. He had a smart and competent girlfriend. She didn't have to worry about Keithfooling around all day long if Cynthia was with him.

"Your words are really scared. There are so many people on the football team. If you have one child a year, you will be too old." This group of old ladies were surprised and apparently shocked.

Cynthia was about to speak when she suddenly felt a pair of big hands tugging at the corner of her clothes. She lowered her eyes and saw that it was Keith who was wiping his mouth with a napkin.

She wanted to say something that was even more shocking, but sincehemotioned for her to say less, she could only giggle and make others forget it.


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