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Super Wife's Three Babies novel Chapter 7

Chapter 7 Bidding Competition

When Olivia noticed this, she asked in surprise, “What’s wrong?”

Nathan anxiously replied, “Don’t ask. I’ll make this up to you on another day. Let’s go back now! Otherwise, I’m going to lose my life.”

He looked at her pleadingly.

She was utterly bewildered. Thinking back on his actions, she thoughtfully lifted her eyes and glanced toward the second floor. It was a single glance, but it made her widen her eyes instantaneously.

I-It’s that b*stard?! F*ck! H-How much did he bid just now? Oh, it was 10 million.

“20 million,” she deliberately shouted toward the second floor.

When Nathan heard that, his figure swayed. I’m dead; I’m so dead. I’ll die a painful death at this rate.

“Uh… You can go ahead with your bidding and put it on my tab. I-I’m leaving.”

She didn’t even have the chance to stop him from leaving, then the corners of her mouth twitched involuntarily. How is it that this guy looks like a mouse that had spotted a cat?

Meanwhile, North looked up at Eugene too. His large, black obsidian eyes were extremely calm, and he simply stared at Eugene without a word.

Naturally, Eugene could feel the gaze of the child on him.

He frowned. This little guy doesn’t look like he’s older than six or seven years old. How is it that he has such a calm gaze? Moreover, is that gaze of his a warning to me?

Thus, an intrigued smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. He suddenly found this extremely interesting. The auctioneer had just yelled out ‘20 million’. Before he could even slam his hammer down, Eugene shouted, “30 million.”

When he shouted out his bid, the entire bar fell silent again.


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