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Supreme Mars novel Chapter 346

Chapter 346 Tear Down It
Luna said with joy, while Albie Watts was scared and turned pale, constantly sweating.
How could he expect that! This cute girl like a doll should get excited this way...
But Leo was expressionless. That's why he valued Luna.
People fears the unknown things. Luna can use the legendary venomous insect to amplify people’s inner fear.
“Come on! Let my little babies get into your body, make their home, and lay their eggs! Join the arms of God of the Poisonous Worm!”
Luna became more and more excited and the flush on her face became richer and richer.
With trembling hands, she unscrewed the cap of the bottle.
The red-hairworm in the bottle also seemed to sense something. At the moment when the cap was unscrewed, it darted into Luna’s hand and neighed.
“Stay away! Take it away!”
Albie screamed repeatedly and backed away.
“Don't you think it’s cute?”
Hearing Albie's words, Luna suddenly became displeased and gently poked the chubby head of the red-hairworm with her index finger.
“If you don’t want it to get inside you, tell the truth, or it will come out of your chest within three days!”
Luna instantly changed his face and said coldly.
Albie's mind became a little unsteady, but he still reluctantly told the truth as the thing seemed to be very important.
Leo raised his eyebrow, “Now!”
“All right!”
Luna seemed to be happy to see that her little baby worms got into a body and she gave a whistle.
With the whistle, the red-hairworm that had been silly suddenly became excited and dashed into Albee's nose.
Albie felt a temporary blockage in his nose, and then he felt thick liquid flow off his nose. It was the secretion of the red red-hairworm.
He lay on the ground, with his hands clasping his throat, retching.
But no matter how hard he vomited, he couldn't get the red-hairworm out.
Looking at this scene, Luna giggled with satisfaction.
She looked at this scene as if it's a work of art that she had made.
Albie drank a lot of water like a fish until he felt swelling pain on his stomach. But the feeling of discomfort in his stomach still existed.
“Don't waste your time. This red-hairworm is tough. No matter how much water you drink, it won’t be drown.
Luna said.
Albie fell to the ground and he felt intense pain.
“It is digging holes on your organs.”
Luna said with a smile, “I advise you to speak it out quickly, otherwise in five minutes, it will dig a hole in your gut and lay eggs. At that time, even if you tell us that, it will be late.”
Albie was so shocked that he burst into tears, “I say! I say!”
“Lane is in the ancestral house of the Watts family.”
Instantly, Leo narrowed his eyes, “Alan Watt decided it or he was instigated by the Watts family.”
Luna smiled happily and reminded, “You have five minutes.”
Albie was taken aback and told everything without hiding anything.
“After Lane lost J Group, the master of the watt family got furious. To protect himself, Lane told others the existence of Alan Watts. The master knew that he has become the richest man in Emerdale. He cannot accept that the child he had abandoned
now becomes such an excellent man, so he delegated powers to Lane and let him to revenge, so there was the car accident!”
“I’ve told you all I know. Get the bug out of me, and I really can’t stand the pain!”
He roared with tears and snot. For every second, he could feel his innards being eaten.
Leo, with coldness in his eyes, meditated for a while and nodded to Luna.
Luna sighed, “As a man, you are incredibly spineless!”
Albie almost cursed. The worm was not in your body.
Although she was displeased, Luna still whistled and the red-hairworm slowly crawled out of Albie’s ear.
Leo looked at her and said, “Don’t worry. You have a chance to show off.”
Luna’s face lit up. “You mean, my baby worms will stop be starving?”
Leo did not say anything, but gave a cold look at Albie, “He can just escape the death penalty.”
Nadine got cold eyes and suddenly came forward.
Then a piercing scream rang in the 24-hour Town.
Ten minutes later, Leo walked out of the 24-hour Town, followed by Forrest, Nadine and Luna. They threw Albie into the trunk and headed to the Watts family’s house.
This scene was seen by a young man and a young woman, who were not far, with surprising face.
They were and BEE]. The escaped from 24-hour Town, but they didn’t leave but watched there.
In Hopkins, few people dare to rush into the 24-hour Town. They had to report such an important thing to their family.
“I recall.”
Watching the car leave, EJE]’s eyes suddenly flashed a trace of light.
“I met him at the wedding of the Hudson family. His name is Leo and his wife is Lydia.”
Hearing, EAE}Edwas shocked, “No wonder that I find him familiar.
People knew that the prosperity and decline of the Hudson family were due to that wedding, but in fact, it was due to the young man named Leo.
At the thought of wen’s demise, they shuddered.
“Go back and tell the master that Leo has attacked the Watts family!”
Gloom flashed in EJE3’s eyes and they soon left respectively.
On the other side, Leo with other three people also arrived at the house of the Watts family.
Looking at the magnificent building in front of him coldly, Leo waved his hand, “Tear it down!”
“Yes, boss!”
Forrest got out of the car and pulled out a walkie-talkie. “Come in!”
With a loud noise, the ground suddenly trembled.
Through the dusty air, a demolition team could be seen approaching.
Forrest pointed to the vermilion building and shouted, “Tear it down!”
Ten excavators rushed in together, and rampaged straight into the courtyard. The Fence instantly collapsed.
“What's wrong?”
A middle-aged man angrily walked out and looked at the collapsed walls and excavators all around. His face changed dramatically and he snapped, “Who are you? How dare you tear down my house!”
“The latest document approval proved that this house is illegal constructed, and they should be demolished!”
Forrest said coldly.
*You fart, the Watts family in Hopkins belongs to a rich family, and who dare to tear down our house!”
The middle-aged man was so angry that he strode forward and stopped the excavators with a proud look on his face, “I’m standing here today, and I'll see who dare to go further.”
Inside one excavator, the labor contractor in a hard hat gave Forrest a look.
That guy’s in the way, and they cannot move forward.
But with coldness in his eyes, Forrest didn’t care, “Go!”
The labor contractor nodded, ignoring him.
Then, the excavator moved towards the middle-aged man. 


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