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Supreme Mars novel Chapter 562

Everyone was stunned when they saw Leo's upper body.

Leo's body was covered in wounds and bullet holes from stab wounds.

In addition to this, there are a number of stitched wounds.

It was not difficult to imagine that it was split hard by a single slash.

This was followed by stitches and sutures.

Dense, all over the body.

Not to mention those men, even Great General Nicolas, who was in a high position, was shocked.

"Where did they come from?"

Nicolas asked with a tremor in his voice.

Leo smiled faintly, "During the war."

Pointing to a bullet wound in his chest very close to his heart, he said, "This wound was closest to the heart and a bullet went through here, luckily I am lucky and survived."

Leo smiled.

"What about this?"

One of the guards asked, pointing to the massive burn marks on Leo's back.

"This one? To save a man, when the enemy had the geographical advantage and set a huge sea of fire, and I ran to save the commander, when the flesh was burnt."

Leo said with a smile.

"Well, what about this?"

Another guard asked as his eyes fell on a knife wound.

"It was a strong man from the other side who joined the battlefield, a sword king, who slashed me, and I broke his sword and killed him."

"This is ......"

For a long time afterwards, Leo patiently explained to the guards where the wounds on their bodies came from.

Even General Nicolas was fascinated to hear it, as if he was there.


It was incredible.

It was amazing how many bruises Leo had on his body.

It was just full of glory!

Nicolas was also eager to hear Leo continue, but he reacted that he was here to give Leo a test, not to hear a story!

So, Nicolas hastily interrupted, "Alright, alright, let's do the test first, we'll talk after the test is done!"

It was then that the crowd fell into a trance.

However, their attitude towards Leo had taken a diametrically opposed turn.

Without the fear and caution of before, there was a look of awe and respect in their eyes.

"Sir, please step into the middle of the apparatus."

A guard made a gesture of invitation and said to Leo.

Leo nodded and cooperated, standing in front of the instrument.

A strong light shone through, an infrared ray, shining on every part of Leo's body.

And in front of the computer screen in front of Nicolas, a scan of Leo's body was quickly displayed.

Once they read the contents, Nicolas and the others were startled and in a cold sweat.

Several shrapnel and blades were actually hidden in Leo's body.

These shrapnel blades were stuck in Leo's body and could not be surgically removed at all.

There were even a few that were so close to vital organs like the heart and lungs that a slight deflection would have been just a fatal wound!

If an ordinary person had received these wounds, not to mention so many blades and shrapnel, a random one would cause to death.

How did Leo survive until now?

"Sir, you can come down now."

Returning to his senses, Nicolas's voice was horrified beyond belief and his forehead was in a cold sweat.

"Any luck finding out why the siren went off?"

Leo asked with a smile.

"Yes, it was shrapnel, blades and other metal substances that set off the alarm."

Nicolas's gaze became reverent as he suddenly bent down and bowed ninety degrees to Leo.

"Sorry, sir, you're not a danger, you're a hero of Pompeii! We apologise to you!"

Behind Nicolas, all the guards stood in awe and bowed to Leo in unison.

The scene was spectacular at one point.

Leo shook his head with a smile, "What is this for? You didn't do anything wrong either, why do you need to apologize?"

"Because, because you are a warrior, a hero, who has participated in numerous battles, and whose wounds are the best proof of the supreme glory!"

Nicolas's eyes were red and his voice was surprisingly tinged with a hint of tears.

Everyone else was also full of guilt.

What set off the alarm was the shrapnel and blades hidden inside Leo's body, yet they treated him as a danger.

They were doing it wrong!

"Get up."

Leo's smile was strong: "I'm just an ordinary person now, besides, you guys are right to do this, no one can make specials when they come, understand?"


Nicolas led the way, and all of them roared in unison.

Leo intended to get out of here.

Nicolas suddenly turned to Leo's back, "May I have your name, please?"

Instead of turning around, Leo waved his hand.

"I am just an ordinary man, no need to know my name."

Leo's voice came through.

"But remember your pride, every soldier is a good one!"


Nicolas roared loudly.

Leo's words were not heavy, but they held a special magic that shook them to their core.


Nicolas shouted.

At Leo's back, all of them gave a military salute, which they did not lower for a long time.

The large red flag fluttered in the wind and the sun shone down, gilding the faces of all.


Ying Lie Mountain Resort, Lydia and the others waited for a long time, but Leo did not return.

Maisy smiled, "We don't need to wait, he must have been arrested as a dangerous person, let's eat first."

Karl nodded, "Then let's eat first, don’t wait for him alone."


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