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Supreme Mars novel Chapter 777

When Sean's words fell, it was quite.

Douglas and Abraham's bodies were like heavy blows, their minds went blank, and Douglas even stomped back, falling to the ground, his eyes looking at Leo incredulously.

Leo is a member of the Pompeii imperial family?

How is this possible?

Abraham didn't want to believe it either, but that was the truth, and Sean had said it so bluntly.

According to his seniority, he had to call Leo as cousin.

This statement confirms everything.

Leo's eyes also became gloomy, and he did not feel any joy after knowing his birth.

On the contrary, large swathes of hostility surfaced in the heart.

He had guessed this outcome as early as the importance Leo placed on his identity badge.

Now that this was confirmed, he was actually clam.

There is no elation, no impulse, only an endless coldness.

"What proof do you have that I am a member of the Pompeii Cohen Clan?"

He spoke coldly, his tone as cold as an Arctic glacier.

"Yes, Sean, would it be too hasty to judge him as a member of the Cohen Clan just because of the origin of his name?"

Douglas couldn't help but speak up as well.

This is incredible.

Sean shook his head, his expression still serious: "That's enough."

"Don't you guys think it's strange? Everyone in the Henderson family is surnamed Lin, but he is the only one surnamed Cohen, this is clearly someone branding his real name on his body, for fear that later on the child will grow up and not even know his real name. It is the good intention left by his parents!"


Everyone was silent after these words.

Sean has a point, who would leave a brand on a baby? It must be his parents!

It was only because of something that could not be avoided that the child was left behind.

Before they leave it behind, leave a name on the child so that he knows what his name is.

One day, when the child grows up, he will remember his incompetent parents.

It also leaves the possibility of a reunion later on.

Leo did not speak, but anyone could feel that a monstrous hostility erupted from him.

The intense killing aura made his eyes red.

"What else do you know? Tell me all and I'll spare your life!"

Leo said in a hoarse voice.

He is a man who is easily satisfied.

He used to know that he was an orphane, and as long as he had Lydia and his daughter, life would be enough.

But as he went deeper and deeper, he was desperate to know his origins.

For a person who does not even know where he or she comes from and who his or her closest relatives are is rootless and will never have a sense of belonging.

Even if his parents had mercilessly abandoned him, he had to know who those two people were, where they were, and how they were doing now.

Affection is always something he longed for, and could not get.

This kind of affection, which Lydia cannot give, can be given by Emilia.

In comparison, Sean's life was too insignificant.

Sean also felt Leo's emotions and was silent for a long time before he finally opened his mouth.

"The reason I am so sure that he is one of my Cohen imperial family is because twenty-eight years ago, something big enough to shake the entire Cohen Clan happened."

When these words were spoken, the faces of both Leo, Douglas and Abraham all appeared to change.

"What happened?"

After a long silence, Leo asked out loud.

This time, Sean did not avoid Leo's eyes anymore, but met him with all eyes, saying softly.

"Ever heard the story of the mermaid princess?"

"The mermaid princess fell in love with the human, went ashore for him, and ended up in ashes and foam."

The look on Sean's face was indescribably sad, and even more indescribably sorrowful, as if he was lamenting the fall of a love for the ages.

Leo's mouth opened, but not a word came out.

"What happened to the Cohen imperial family twenty-eight years ago is the real-life version of the Mermaid Princess story."

Sean said with a straight face, "The Great Sage of the imperial Family, with her amazing talent and unparalleled looks, fell in love with her bodyguard and the two tasted the forbidden fruit, and by then, the Great Sage was already married to the most powerful and outstanding young master of the Cohen Clan at that time, so they chose to elope."

"And then what?"

In fact, when he heard this, Leo could actually guess what was going to happen later, but he still couldn't help but ask out loud.

Sean sneered, "At that time I wasn't even born yet, my parents didn't even know each other yet, and that young master was naturally furious, ordering the entire clan to hunt down the Great Sage and that man."

"They escaped from the Pompeii imperial family, even escaped from Pompeii, went into exile in the East for a time, changed their faces before they returned to Pompeii, settling in Pearl."

"At that time, the Great Sage was actually pregnant with the man's child and gave birth, and the family lived a peaceful life as ordinary people do. When the pursuit of the Pompeii imperial family arrived, to protect the newborn baby, they put the child on the doorstep of an acquaintance."

"Before the separation, they left a name brand on the boy's body, and then they were both taken away. The youngest of the imperial family wanted to execute that man, but it offended the Great Sage, who brought her own power and the threat of war with the imperial family to save the man's life, but afterwards, the Great Sage was also imprisoned for life, while that man, who had his leg broken, was likewise locked up in a cell."

"Now, the current head of the Cohen imperial family is none other than that young master."


The story was told, but there was silence.

Douglas and Abraham subconsciously took a step back, their eyes glancing at Leo in horror.

He is very quiet.

The wind, at this point, became stronger.

The sky was cloudy for a moment and the mountains were raining.


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