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Supreme Mars novel Chapter 895

Do you know me?

Who are you?

After Dominic said these two questions, Sharon directly froze.

The pupils of both eyes, shrunk directly into a tiny dot, staring dumbly at the familiar, and seemingly extremely strange man in front of her.

"What did you say?"

She looked at Dominic with a deadly look and asked with a trembling voice, "Don't you recognize me? I'm Sharon!"

"Why would it be you? Have you really been working for the Phantom all these years?"

The dark park streets are obscured by dark clouds that cover the moon, and there is no light source other than the dim street lamps lining the road.

Every now and then there are crows whimpering and cawing, and everything is permeated with a sad, eerie air.

Lydia, Marie, and Ivy, their heads already spinning, stared blankly at Sharon, who was on the verge of losing control of her emotions in front of them.

They didn't know why Sharon was so excited, but one thing they knew was that Sharon and the man in the trench coat in front of her had a deep love-hate relationship.

Arthur looked at Sharon with pity in his eyes, and in the end, it had come to this.

It's a pity that Sharon was only half right.

The real truth is far harsher than that.

"Say something!"

Sharon's voice raised all of a sudden, her eyes gradually became angry, staring at Dominic with a deadly stare, "Why don't you say anything? How is it possible that you don't know me? Leo and I have been looking for you for three years, do you know how I have come through these three years?"

Sharon's slightly sad and angry roar echoed throughout the ecological park, and the cool night breeze added a touch of coolness.

Lydia, who was completely unable to help in any way, knew that the scene was getting a bit out of hand at this point, and she kept mumbling in her mind, hoping that Leo would arrive soon.

Seeing Dominic had emptied Sharon of the vast majority of her strength and spirit at the moment.

She looked as if she had lost her soul, hanging on by a single breath of essence and threatening to collapse into unconsciousness at any moment.

She was panting and staring at Dominic with a deadly glare, desperately hoping that Dominic would say something.

Concerning her reunion with Dominic, she had rehearsed countless images in her mind, but none of them were like this.

A reunion between them shouldn't be like this!

However, unfortunately, in the face of a somewhat hysterical Sharon, Dominic was only deeply silent.

There was a look of bewilderment in his eyes, and a hint of disbelief.

He looks like he really doesn't know Sharon!

"I'm sorry, I really don't know you."

Dominic finally spoke, his expression looked somewhat apologetic as he looked at Sharon and said to her, "But you give me a very strange feeling, as if we've known each other for a long time, am I, like, forgetting something?"


These words directly caused Sharon to take three steps back.

She didn't know what to say anymore, and it was a struggle just to stand.


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