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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1026

Chapter 1026 From the Bottom of My Heart

Jennifer had guessed that Zack would ask this question, and so would Ivan.

"Did it have anything to do with Joan and Georgia?" Zack looked at her eagerly, waiting for an answer.

Jennifer knew that the family Zack had now must be precious to him.

She could feel his love for it.

So... If she told him the truth, his current family would fall apart.

"Dad, over the years... How have you been?" Jennifer asked again, "Do you have a harmonious family? I have followed your Facebook account. I see you post a family photo every year."

"That is just a PR technique to build a good image for the company," Zack quickly explained, "Just like many celebrity couples do."

Then he added, "And I married Joan only because I felt I owed her."

"Can feelings be put out?" Jennifer smiled." You have been married for more than 20 years."

He said, "Your mother is my first love and I will never forget her. I have been looking for you for more than 20 years and never stopped."

They looked at each other and tears welled up in their eyes again.

"The moment I lost your mother, you became the hope of my life, because you have half of her blood."

"After losing you, I have not been doing well at all."

"But I can't show it. I have a company to run and so many people need their jobs and salaries. I had to cheer up."

"But I have never stopped hurting."

Hearing this, Jennifer felt really sad, "I'm sorry, I should have come back earlier." She made a wrong decision.

Zack hadn't been doing well without her.


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