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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1028

Chapter 1028 I Love You

Hearing this, Jennifer felt super speechless!

How disgusting it was to make up such a thing about a father and his daughter!

"She came to me, too." Jennifer told him, "I was afraid that she would be stupid enough to tell the media, so I told her who I am, so that even if she went to the media to slander me, I could just tell the truth."

"So, she can't be stupid enough to make up an affair." Ivan couldn't help praising her, "My wife is so smart."

"Of course," Jennifer said, "Learning to protect myself is part about life."

"And it's also a part of life to learn that you can't be soft on the bad guys."

Ivan's voice was soft and he was patiently talking with her while playing with a pen.

Ivan reminded her, "If you want to let Georgia go, think about Catherine."

Anyway, he didn't have any sympathy for those people.

He only loved his wife, he wanted to get rid of anyone whoever hurt his wife.

"I know that."

Jennifer knew that he said these out of good intentions, she smiled, "I didn't say I would let her go, I just don't want to be so impulsive and I need more time to think."

"I see." Ivan understood.

"I also believe that bad guys will have their retribution," Jennifer raised her wrist to look at the time on her watch, "Well, you should go back to work. I just wanted to tell you that I have met my father."

"Well, we should have dinner together some time," Ivan said. "Let's do it when he's free."

"Well, bye."

Ivan said dotingly, "Bye, love you."

"I love you more." Jennifer smiled and hung up the phone.

Her words made Ivan's heart as sweet as honey. Although he had been married for so long and their children were almost seven years old, he felt in passionate love.

Jennifer hung up the phone and left the office. Before leaving, she said to Phoebe, "I need to go out. If Mr. Clarke asks, tell him I will come back soon."

"Ok, Mrs. Marsh."

She didn't say what she was going to do, she just took the elevator downstairs.

In a towering building, on the first-floor hall gathered a lot of reporters.


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