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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1367

Chapter 1367: Loving Very Cautiously

"You own it?" Belinda looked at her and laughed angrily. "How can you own it? You're already in so deep before you're even married? What if you have a child after marriage? How can you get away unscathed if you're hurt? Do you think it's easy to be a single mother?"

"Mom!" Monica was unhappy and a bit emotional after hearing this. "Why do you always think of the worst? Can't you just hope for the best for me? My relationship hasn't even started yet, and you're talking about divorce before we're even married?"

"Do you plan to only date and not get married?" Belinda asked. "Or do you want to get married, but he doesn't plan to marry you? You're not teenagers anymore, you're adults. Aren't you heading towards marriage?"


"Because I know better than you what marriage truly is! What it can bring to a woman!" Belinda's emotions were all over the place. "How much did I love your father back then? I would have given my life for him, but he took it for granted!"

"I am me, and you are you. Our lives can't be mixed together!"

Monica kept rebutting. "I'm not a casualty of your war with my dad! If Tristan hadn't been introduced by my dad, you would have agreed! You were clearly satisfied with him! You've been checking his background these days!"

As an elder, Belinda couldn't admit her own little thoughts, but a hint of guilt flashed in her eyes.

"Yes, he's excellent." Belinda kept emphasizing. "Monica, it's not that I have to oppose it. It's just that Tristan seems cold and aloof. Ordinary people can't get into the heart of someone like him. He'll be on guard. But Tom is different. Tom is casual, gentle, and easy to get along with."

"Love isn't about making choices, it's not about picking one or the other. Love is about following your initial feelings!" The girl spoke firmly. "No matter what, I will choose Tristan, even if he doesn't want me!"

With that, Monica turned and entered her room, feeling exhausted and not wanting to argue anymore.

Belinda looked at her daughter's retreating figure, wanting to communicate further but unable to find a suitable reason.

Back in her room, Monica locked the door and sat on the sofa with her knees hugged, tears welling up in her eyes, her heart sour.

She liked Tristan, liked him very, very much-a feeling only she knew.


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