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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1432

Chapter 1432: You're Bleeding?!

Monica quickly picked up her own bowl and walked over, handing him a set of utensils, then sat down next to him.

This was Tristan's first time eating a mildly spicy cheese pot, he didn't dislike it at all. Instead, the aroma whetted his appetite.

Monica turned her gaze, curiouslylooking at him. His features were truly handsome, and in her mind, eight words instantly popped up: "exceptionally graceful, unparalleled in the world."

Aware of the girl's gaze, Tristan looked back, their eyes meeting.

"Have you eaten this before?" she asked softly, putting away her smitten eyes.

Tristan shook his head, "No." He glanced at her and shifted his gaze, taking a bite, and he was reminded of a past he didn't particularly wish to share with her.

From childhood to adulthood, he had to take a lot of medication, so he had many dietary restrictions, strictly following the guidelines set by a nutritionist. He had never even seen, let alone eaten, anything like this.

"I eat it often." Monica smiled and shared her experiences while eating, "But my mom doesn't allow it, she thinks it's unhygienic."

Tristan said, "It's better to eat less."

"I won't listen to her, but I will listen to you!" she said half-jokingly, half-seriously, "I will eat less in the future."

Tristan looked at her again, his expression calm and gentle.

Monica shared, "I used to think that you should enjoy life while you can, so whenever I encountered something I liked on my journeys, I would try it! After all, food is of utmost importance to people."

While she was talking and eating, she always felt a strong desire to share with him when they were together.

Tristan was somewhat envious of her life. Although she also lacked a father's love, she at least had a mother's love, and she had a carefree childhood.

As they chatted and finished eating, they couldn't help but think of Claire.

After all, finding Claire was the most important thing at the moment. Having searched for so long without any leads, everyone was feeling rather heavy-hearted.


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