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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1477

Chapter 1477: I'm Sorry, Claire

He held Claire in his arms, giving Rowan Watson a strong repelling glance.

"Claire..." Finally meeting the person he had missed day and night, Rowan Watson disregarded the stares of others. He approached her, with only her in his eyes and heart.

Claire looked at his haggard face, able to see the stubble on his face from a distance. Bitterness welled up in her heart, accompanied by a pang of pain deep within.

She gently removed her aunt's hand from her shoulder and also stepped towards Rowan Watson... like a slow-motion scene in a movie, they walked towards each other.

"Rowan Watson..." Claire felt pained for him. With tears in her eyes, she took the initiative to rush into his arms, her hands tightly wrapped around his waist.

Rowan Watson also held her tightly in his embrace, his chin resting on her hair, as they shared a long-awaited, passionate hug.

"I'm sorry." Rowan Watson was filled with self-reproach, his chest aching with each breath. "I'm sorry, Claire, it was me who caused you suffering." He hugged her tightly as if trying to meld her into his body.

"No... it's not your fault." Claire's heart was filled with sourness. Raising her eyes from his embrace, she asked tearfully, "Why have you become so haggard? You have grown a beard."

Rowan Watson looked deeply into her eyes, not even willing to blink.

This scene moved both Tristan and Monica, especially Monica, who couldn't help but tear up because she knew what Rowan Watson had been through these days.

Especially that night in the ancient town, he had stood in the wind and rain all night...

But it failed to move the two elders of the Russell family, especially Violet.

She instinctively glanced at Tristan. The sense of security he exuded made him seem more reliable the more she looked at him.

Tristan was actually the first one to find Claire, which comforted Violet even more.

She thought this might be the arrangement of fate.

"Claire." Violet regained her composure and took a few steps forward, pulling Claire away from Rowan Watson and hugging her shoulder again, "Come home with your aunt, let's take good care of our health."

At this moment, Claire was in tears, her heart shattered, and Rowan Watson's feelings were incredibly complex.


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