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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1479

Chapter 1479: Is He Rowan Watson?

"Alright, feel free to contact us anytime." With this new connection established, everyone felt closer.

Jennifer and Ivan Marsh were here for Claire today, so after the Russells took Claire away, there was no reason for them to stay longer.

After all, Eason had Tristan and Monica to accompany him.

So, Jennifer said goodbye to Jack Adams, left a contact number, and exchanged phone numbers.

"You're staying with Eason, right?" Jennifer looked at Tristan, then at Monica, "When will you return to the city?"

"We'll leave around noon," Tristan answered her, "You can go ahead with your things."

Jennifer nodded, "We have some business at the company this morning, so we'll leave first." Then her gaze fell on Rowan Watson.

Rowan Watson seemed calm, but the exhaustion and frailty were written all over his face. He had been greatly tormented these past few days.

"You go ahead, I'll leave in a bit." After all, everyone had their cars.

"Okay," Jennifer nodded and advised, "Be careful on the road, and drive slowly."


With that, she and Ivan Marsh bid Jack Adams goodbye again, and headed towards the Lamborghini. The chauffeur had already opened the car door. After they got in, everyone watched as the car drove away.

Only today did Jack Adams realize that she was Mrs. Marsh, and the two children were Mr. Marsh's own flesh and blood.

So, giving the medical book to her was a very wise choice. The book's potential could be fully realized, relieving the pain of many patients, and even saving lives.

Tristan and Monica watched as Rowan Watson took a few steps forward and approached Mr. Adams.

Rowan Watson's furrowed brow reflected his mood, but his upbringing made him respectably bow his head and sincerely say, "Thank you, Mr. Adams, for saving Claire."

Mr. Adams quickly reached out to steady his arms, "It was nothing, just a simple task."

"I am Rowan Watson, Mr. Adams from the Charity Medical Center. Here is my business card." Saying this, Rowan Watson handed over a business card, sincerely saying, "If the orphanage needs any help, just give me a call."


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