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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1507

Chapter 1507: The Female Lead Makes Her Entrance

After hearing her mother's words, Monica changed into a long white chiffon dress. The soft, five-layered chiffon draped beautifully, paired with a pristine white high-necked sweater that was form-fitting yet ethereal. She also donned a white beret, spinning around in front of the mirror, feeling revitalized.

Seeing her reflection, she felt a surge of happiness. Her mother, Belinda, hearing her daughter's footsteps descending the stairs, looked up towards the staircase, "Go ahead, I'll make dumplings for you later. Just message me in advance."

Monica stared at her, nodding blankly, "Alright." Belinda was behaving out of character today, so much so that Monica was a bit unsettled.

But she was truly elated, "So, I'm leaving now?"

"Go ahead." Belinda's emotions were inscrutable.

Belinda was finally not opposing her relationship with Tristan. Monica left happily, humming a tune and ordered a car through an app.

Monica was a bit puzzled though. The leisure square wasn't far from here, why didn't Tristan come to pick her up?

However, the ride arrived quickly. She sat in the passenger seat and sent Tristan a Facebook message: I'm in the car, are you there yet?

Tristan was actually already at the leisure square, he parked his car in a secluded spot, sitting inside.

But he replied: I'll be there soon.

Monica thought, he must be busy with something, hence he didn't come to pick her up.

Tristan asked her out for a walk, he must have missed her, right? He must like her too, right?

The thought of seeing him soon, and being able to bring him home for the dumplings her mother was making, filled her with joy.

She was excited all the way.

About ten minutes later, the taxi stopped outside the leisure square.

Monica scanned the QR code and exited the cab. Tiny snowflakes were still drifting down, the air was tinged with a hint of chill, the whole square blanketed in silver was a sight to behold.

Under the night sky, amidst the warm yellow lights, young figures could be seen everywhere.

It was a romantic season, and a romantic square.


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