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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1513

Chapter 1513: Algerone Swain was very displeased

Belinda hadn't expected Algerone to depart so suddenly, and she couldn't help but wonder what had upset him. This left her quite frustrated, as it mirrored his inexplicable departure the last time. The gloom of her mood was palpable.

"Stop staring and just let him go. Come on, let's eat some dumplings!" Belinda, suppressing her resentment, called out to the young couple at the door.

Tristan took Monica's hand and ushered her into the living room. "Come, join your mother for dumplings." They sat at the dining table, picking up their forks to resume their meal.

In an attempt to diffuse the tension and express his sincerity, Tristan spoke up, "Auntie, I appreciate your willingness to entrust Monica to me."

Belinda looked up, her voice cool. "You're only dating, not married. I haven't entrusted her to you yet."

Tristan was left speechless, their gazes meeting. Monica was even more embarrassed.

Belinda then softened her tone and averted her gaze. "I'll watch how you behave during your courtship."

Relieved, Tristan nodded resolutely, "Alright, I won't let you down."

"Mum..." Monica couldn't help but interject, "Don't be so serious. You've already agreed to let us be together, why are you acting this way?"

Belinda's gaze lifted, "Because men are unreliable." They knew she was thinking about Algerone again... and that she was angry.

Because the road was still covered with snow and the car was carrying a child, Jack Adams drove slowly. Algerone Swain's car quickly overtook them, driving parallel to them.

At first, Jack Adams didn't notice and moved his car slightly to the right. However, the other vehicle didn't seem to want to pass.

Lowering his car window, Jack Adams turned to see Algerone's face in the other car. Instinctively, Jack pulled over.

Quickly, Algerone Swain also pulled over.


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