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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1518

Chapter 1518: Long-planned, Wish Fulfilled

Holding such an expensive gift, Belinda was shocked, taking a long while to regain her senses. Despite having seen the world, her company had a market value of over a billion. But after all, they were not proposing marriage right now... the gift was indeed too valuable.

At this moment, Monica carefully descended the stairs, leaning on the railing, just in time to see her mother staring at the box in her hand, lost in thought. The living room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. As Monica gently approached step by step, she discovered that the box contained a dazzling necklace.

"My goodness, did dad give this to you?" The girl's eyes sparkled with excitement as she leaned over, snatching the box to take out the necklace for a closer look.

"Tristan just gave it to me."

"..." Monica's smile froze, her disbelief meeting her mother's gaze, "Tristan gave it?"

Belinda nodded.

Monica quickly returned the box to her.

Belinda was still shocked by the price of the necklace, they weren't even married yet, they hadn't reached the betrothal gifts discussion yet, and he was already so considerate?

Monica chuckled awkwardly, "Just keep what's given to you. If you don't like it, just leave it. If you do, wear it. It's simple, why are you worrying?"

Belinda told her, "It's worth tens of millions, designed by a famous Italian master."

The girl was surprised, "How do you know?"

"Because I've seen it at an auction."


Monica coughed lightly, taking a moment, "It's getting late, should we go to bed? Regardless of its value, it's his thoughtfulness that counts. I'm sure he'd be very happy if you accepted it."

On the way home, Tristan was driving, the soft light in the car shining on his chiseled face. He was no longer single! He couldn't help but smile at the thought, feeling a sense of contentment.

Back at the small western-style house.


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