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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1520

Chapter 1520: Please Return My Phone to Me

At two o'clock in the morning, at the Russell family residence, a servant accidentally noticed that the light in Claire's room was still on. She was somewhat puzzled, so she decisively knocked on a door, "Madam, the light in Miss's room upstairs is still on."

Violet was groggy from sleep, "What time is it?"

"It's two in the morning, an hour later than yesterday." The servant's face was full of concern.

"Okay, I understand." Violet's sleepiness instantly evaporated, and she couldn't help but start to worry.

The servant reported intentionally, after all, Claire's recent situation was unusual and the lady had always asked her to pay more attention.

After the servant left, Violet hurried upstairs and knocked on Claire's door.

At this moment, Claire was sitting on the sofa with her knees drawn up, lost in thought under the lit room. The sound of knocking brought her back to reality.

She turned her eyes towards the door...

A moment later, Violet tried turning the doorknob and found that the door was not locked.

She walked towards the sofa, "Claire, why haven't you slept yet?"

Wearing her pajamas, with her hair scattered around, Violet had already woken up from sleep. "Claire, what are you thinking about?" She sat down beside Claire, a hint of heartache in her voice as she grasped her shoulder. "You should go to bed."

Claire quietly looked at her, her voice soft, "Auntie, can I have my phone back?"

She was discussing it with her.

Violet met the girl's gaze, and just fell silent... all this for a phone?

"You can't lock me up forever, can you?" Claire asked again. There was no resentment in her tone, but the quiet feeling made her appear even more heartbreaking.

She was not eager or noisy, nor was she clamoring to go out, but there was a sense of firm resolve in her demeanor.

Violet sighed, recalling what her daughter-in-law had said that day. Since Claire was so persistent, there was no need to restrain her too much.

If forced further, she might become depressed.


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