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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1527

Chapter 1527: Monica Isn't a Pushover

Camille took steps towards this side, her gaze falling upon Monica. From her clothing to her demeanor, Camille felt this girl was not a match for Tristan! Seeing that she too was stopped, Camille's mood improved greatly, a sly smile of 'you're no better' curling up at the corners of her lips. It wasn't that Monica was bad, but rather, Tristan was too exceptional.

At this time, in a spacious and bright conference room upstairs, an important meeting was in progress. Tristan was seated in the lead position, surrounded by company executives. Then, his Facebook video call rang. He picked up his phone, saw Monica's avatar, glanced at everyone, and without any hesitation, answered, "Monica."

Everyone lifted their gazes towards the CEO, eyes filled with curiosity and gossip! The name 'Monica' was not only seen in today's news, but also during the last meeting room screen projection... they remembered, didn't they?

"Tristan, I'm downstairs at your company. I brought you chicken soup that I made myself. Can I come up?" Monica didn't know where he was or who was with him, but she thought he was alone, "I was stopped by the security."

Monica spoke in a soft and gentle voice, her tone was a bit playful and filled with deep affection. "Kevin, go down and receive Miss Swain." Tristan's voice was gentle.


"Bye-bye!" Monica, being considerate, hung up the phone, then waited patiently. She had just seen the beautiful smile on Tristan's face, and she thought, he must also want to see her, right?

Since the Facebook video was on speaker, all the executives in the conference room heard Monica's words to Tristan. Her 'Tristan' really sounded so clingy!

"Cough!" Tristan glanced at everyone, put down his phone, and resumed his serious expression in a second, "Let's continue the meeting. Whose turn was it to speak? Please proceed."

At this moment, Kevin had already opened the elevator door, entered the elevator, and was going down to receive the future CEO's wife. If the wedding day was celebrated at the office, he might also be able to bask in the joy.


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