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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1538

Chapter 1538: This Little Surprise is Too Sudden

Monica had finally figured it out. Algerone and Belinda were not opposed to cooperating with each other, and they even communicated directly and agreed with each other's views. With Tristan pulling the strings, their relationship should warm up faster.

Monica was filled with gratitude for Tristan's efforts today. He had done such a big thing in secret and even planned to keep it from her!

Near the end of dinner, Tristan seemed to suddenly remember something. He turned to the two elders and said, "Uncle, Auntie, shall Monica come with me later?"

Monica was slightly taken aback, she turned to look at him, not remembering any plans.

"I want to take her for a walk in the square and return her before ten o'clock." Tristan's voice was gentle as he discussed the idea with everyone.

A last-minute date?

Monica was completely unprepared, she just turned to look at him, finding his handsome face and gentle smile soothing.

Algerone Swain nodded in agreement, "That's okay, ten o'clock is not late." His face was full of trust, "With you protecting her, she'll be safe no matter how late it is."

Belinda could hardly refuse, she gave an awkward smile, "Okay."

Dinner ended around eight ten. They toasted for the last time, finishing the buckwheat tea in their cups. Then they got up to leave.

Just as they reached the door, a parking attendant hurried over and anxiously asked, "Sir, is that your car? It seems like the tire is leaking."

Everyone followed the direction of his finger, their gazes falling on Belinda's car.

They followed the attendant towards the car and, under the streetlight, they could clearly see that two tires were flat.

What happened?

Belinda was very puzzled. She clearly remembered that everything was fine when she parked.


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