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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1572

Chapter 1572 Yes, I'm going on a date with you

"Okay." Tristan looked at Monica, and they both felt relieved.

After the call, Tristan directly sent Claire's phone number to Ivan.

Only then did Monica feel at ease, because in her opinion, as long as Ivan took action, things would definitely work out!

"Thank you!" Monica smiled brightly and happily, "Oh right, there's something I almost forgot to share with you."

Tristan was very willing to listen, "Share now." And looked at her expectantly.

"Algerone actually gave Belinda an expensive necklace!"

The girl happily described the scene from last night. She couldn't help but gesture animatedly, "At first she hid it from me, standing in front of the bathroom mirror admiring it alone, completely unaware of my presence. It was the first time I've seen that girl's side of her! Algerone even called to ask if she liked it! Haha, I was right there!"

Hearing her describe it this way, Tristan was also very happy, "That's really great, with feelings as a foundation, if your dad tries a little harder, he can win the beauty's heart."

"Now, I'm totally relieved! There's hope for remarriage!" Monica drank up her milk.

"Monica, are you free this afternoon?"

"Yup, I happen to have no classes this afternoon, what's up?" The girl looked at him expectantly and deliberately asked, "Are you asking me out on a date?"

"Yes, I'm asking you on a date." Tristan was gentlemanly and calm, with a touch of charming smile at the corners of his lips, "I want to take you to the amusement park."

She was shocked, she guessed right??

But then a brilliant smile blossomed on her face and she made an OK gesture, "No problem! But Tristan, is your heart okay? Can you handle the pirate ship?"

"We'll see if my heart is okay this afternoon."

They looked at each other, both smiling even more brightly.

Lu Layuoka.

Claire found a hotel with great value that was also close to the royal family.

She stood by the window overlooking those magnificent buildings.


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