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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1652

Chapter 1652: Happy New Year

Inside the small Western-style buildings of the villa complex, in the spacious and cozy master bedroom upstairs, Belinda and Algerone woke up almost simultaneously on the soft large bed.

Just as they opened their eyes, their gazes met each other's, with a remarkable understanding, and their eyes casually collided.

"Happy New Year."

They both spoke almost at the same time, and then couldn't help but let their lips curl up.

Old Mu extended his arm and gently lifted Belinda's shoulder. She leaned against him, turning her body to snuggle up to him.

Listening to each other's familiar heartbeats, they both felt as if they had traveled through time.

After being separated for twenty years, this was the first time they shared a bed and were so close to each other. The feeling of putting an end to regrets made them feel a warmth akin to newlyweds.

They made a decision to spend every day together in the future and cherished every second of their current togetherness.

"Belinda, what would you like for breakfast today?" Algerone asked softly, "I'll prepare it for you when I get up."

Belinda propped herself up, "I'll go and cook dumplings for you. I made them myself before, and they're still in the fridge." She said as she lifted the covers and got out of bed.

At that moment, Algerone had a smile on his face. He didn't stop her because he felt like the happiest man in the world, immersed in a sense of enjoyment.

In another villa at the same early morning...

Monica stretched her hands out from under the covers, yawned, and then the scene froze for five seconds.

She reached out her hands to pat around, up and down, but didn't touch anyone. Where was Tristan?

She lifted the covers, revealing her head, looked left and right, but didn't see Tristan's figure.

Did he wake up so early?

When did he get up?

Why didn't she feel anything?


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