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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1656

Chapter 1656 - Rosey Collins

To save time and prevent Belinda from pestering her with silly questions, Monica gave a mischievous grin and dropped the topic. "Anyway, I know, so I hope you get remarried soon. Bye!"

With that, she headed straight for the exit without giving Belinda a chance to keep her back.

"Let's go, Tristan!"

Seeing her cheerful mood and that she didn't seem scolded, Tristan finally felt relieved. He got up from the sofa and glanced back inside before following her out.

"Not saying bye to your mom?"

"No need, I already talked to her. Let's go!"

When Belinda came out, she watched them through the floor-to-ceiling windows driving away from the yard.

Seeing their car disappearing into the distance, she couldn't help but feel emotional inside. Monica had finally grown up.

In the departing car, Monica kept sneaking glances at Tristan in the passenger seat, looking like she wanted to say something but held back.

Tristan drove in silence, his expression perpetually gentle.

Monica cared a lot about him, so she tried to guess what he was thinking. It was normal to assume Belinda had spoken ill of him when she pulled her aside to whisper.

Yet the topic was too awkward to broach directly. If she didn't debrief him, she worried he might overthink.

Oh geez, she was getting anxious! She didn't know how to bring it up.

Although Tristan didn't ask anything, Monica still felt uneasy, because she firmly believed honesty was most important in a relationship.

"What are you thinking about?" Tristan seemed to discern her thoughts and glanced at her.

"Nothing much. Belinda just asked about Algerone," Monica gave him a silly grin. "I bet those two will get together!"


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